Predatory Fish for a 75 G?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 4, 2018
Northern Europe
The Title says it any ideas, Tips, Average Price, Hardiness and Size

Anything Does Catfish, Wolf fish, Bichir and Pretty much Anything that can be kept in a 75 Gallon

[Id Rather have a Big fish than 10 Small Ones]

[I currently don't own an Aquarium of this size but i am asking since i'm thinking about it and might buy it and i want a Predatory fish]

Also Should they be Fed feeder fish [Guppy fry's That are grown by me]

Thanks In advance!


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Mar 7, 2018
Ann Arbor, Michigan
I have a tank of the same size, and I've struggled finding good big fish to keep that aren't too big or too small. Here's a list - these may be slightly inaccurate and anyone is welcome to correct me:
Pike Characins - 7-11 inches
Snydontis Sp. Catfish - 10-12 inches
Medium to Large Gouramis - 6-10 inches
Bala Shark - 12-14 inches (You may need to move them out at adult size)
Jack Dempsey Cichlids - 12 inches
Chocolate Cichlids - 9 inches?
Severum - 11 inches
Discus - 10 inches
Angel Fish - 10 inches
African Butterfly Fish - 5 inches
Yellowtail Freshwater Barracuda - 9-10 inches?
Some species of Polypterus - 11-14 inches
Archerfish (Brackish) - 6-7 inches
Other small Cichlids - 7-13 inches
African Brown Knifefish - 10 inches
Ghost Knifefish - 11 inches
Ropefish - 3 feet, lazy, can breathe air
Plecos (Some get MASSIVE though) - 8-14 inches, small species only
Silver Dollars - 5-12 inches
Freshwater Moray (brackish) - 16 inches
Small Puffer Species (Must be kept alone) - 13 inches
Other small Cafish species - 9-13 inches
Geophagus Sp. - 8-12 inches

Feel free to add to or correct the list!


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
Erythinus erythinus (redfin wolffish) or Erythinus sp Peru (purple wolfifhs) with a couple of the smaller upper jaw bichirs like a delhezi or senegal. They don't swim much but are predatory.

You could try a saxatilis or sveni pike. Heck, even a male JD or male GT will eat your small guppies. I vote male GT over a male JD due to activity and color.

Something out of the box, exodon paradoxus ( mini-piranha)


Gourami Swami

MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
Erythinus erythinus (redfin wolffish) or Erythinus sp Peru (purple wolfifhs) with a couple of the smaller upper jaw bichirs like a delhezi or senegal. They don't swim much but are predatory.

I was going to say this, Ery Ery are super cool and 75g would be good for one. That would be my vote if you wanted a pure predator.
Cichlid like GT would also be cool, though you should feed them pellets as a staple and guppies as a treat (they might even be too lazy to eat guppies)
Nothing wrong with feeding guppies if you are the one breeding them. Just gut-load them with good food.
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MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
first i would recommend some type of midas cause im a big amphilophus fan.

try to pick the fish for your water parameters, not the other way around.

green terror tanks are always neat and they are very hardy fish.

if you have hard water, a jack dempsey will be a better option.

i typically try to keep solo fish that top out around 12" in my 75s. i have a red devil, flowerhorn, and a jd each in their own 75 right now.