Cher said she would leave the planet. Horseface aint got that rocket ready?Image had they all left.
Anecdotal evidence is better than actual evidence now everyone. Explain to me if Walmart is so great why do they have to literally have an anti union hotline (Illegal) and literally hold programs telling their employees to go on welfare and food stamps because their employees are paid such low wages they can't afford to live on their earnings.Funny I know two women that work at home Depot they left for Walmart where they both received a pay increase. Facts
Can't do that if Walmart destroyed local businesses through their anti competitive practices.Hey just a crazy thought. You don't like your salary. Get a new job.
Try a non biased search engine. There's plenty for and against. This isn't your identity. Relax and let's all have a level headed discussion. There's plenty of similar type employment out there and in don't think anyone is forcing someone to work there.OK. Tell me how pressuring workers into working off the clock, stifling unionization (which is illegal BTW), and paying your workers such low wages that they are forced to rely on food stamps that you avoid paying taxes for through loopholes is NOT exploiting employees.
Okay, so I'll bite.Explain to me if Walmart is so great why do they have to literally have an anti union hotline (Illegal) and literally hold programs telling their employees to go on welfare and food stamps because their employees are paid such low wages they can't afford to live on their earnings.