Red devil and oscar help

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Feeder Fish
Jul 4, 2018
So i have a full grown red devil and yesterday i tried introducing a full grown oscar. The oscar is bigger then the red devil but the red devil keeps bulling the oscar.. so my qustion is if i have a 110 gallon tank will the fish live fine if i order a dark peice of glass or get some kind of divider in the middle. But then they will only have 55 gallons each. My tank is 60×24×18 1/2.
So i have a full grown red devil and yesterday i tried introducing a full grown oscar. The oscar is bigger then the red devil but the red devil keeps bulling the oscar.. so my qustion is if i have a 110 gallon tank will the fish live fine if i order a dark peice of glass or get some kind of divider in the middle. But then they will only have 55 gallons each. My tank is 60×24×18 1/2.

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You will unfortunately will have to rehome one of them. Yes 55 gallons is not enough room for the Oscar or the Red Devil. The Red Devil will eventually kill the Oscar so them cohabiting won't work.
Thank you.
And yeah thats what i was thinking as well. Hopefully i am able to return him or i just may have to buy another tank, or try to sell him. Thanks for your advice.
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I agree with tlindsey tlindsey , the 30" of the tank each fish would be left with, will not be enough room. The Oscar can grow to half that length, would not be enough room to swim around.
I think you will have lots of trouble introducing another fish to live with your red devil. The devil has already established the tank as it's territory, and will not allow another large cichlid, which would be seen in the wild as a competitor, to share that space.
I would just let the red devil live alone in that tank personally. If you were really determined to get some other fish in there, you could try completely re-arranging the tank (putting the RD in a bucket for this could help too) and putting in a few male convict cichlids. They are smaller than the RD and look quite different, so hopefully he will not see them as a threat. That said, there is still a good chance he will attack anything you put in with him.
Best of luck
Thanks so much for the advice.
Yeah right when i got the oscar i tried taking the red devil out for 45 minutes and rearranged the tank and put him back in and it still didnt work.

What would you suggest just keeping the one red devil in the 110 by himself? Or find a new home for him and get multiple other fish?
Thanks so much for the advice.
Yeah right when i got the oscar i tried taking the red devil out for 45 minutes and rearranged the tank and put him back in and it still didnt work.

What would you suggest just keeping the one red devil in the 110 by himself? Or find a new home for him and get multiple other fish?
Id get rid of the devil because Oscars are more compatible with other fish and 110 gallon u can add a few more cichlids
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Red devil is more suitable for the 110, full grown Oscars look cramped in anything under a 180g imo.
Rd can hit 15" too tho but rarely. As above you could try convicts with some heavy rockwork or pipes the can escape into, he would likely ignore some large sword tails, ime amphs are rarely very predatory unless it's river shrimp. I have a 10-11" isletas that due to emergency had two 1.5" red terror grow outs in with him, he totally ignored them. I've had dozens of amphs over the years.
I just got a red devil and a tiger oscar in the same tank that is 65 gallons and the red devil keeps going after the tiger oscar will it be dead the next day!!!!! PLEASE HELP