I think you misunderstood or looked to deeply in to what Wes said. Bare in mind he is selling within the US. There's been many capas sold as filas. Due to the common mis-ID, he wanted to say his were true fila is all. You can't say something isn't a fila if it has the taxonomic traits or what we come to know as identification traits. There's variants of almost every species, wes gets in different variants of plenty. Never says one is any less of a species than another because that's just ignorant.
As far as the hybridization goes, can't say I've any knowledge on it.
Its not only in the US. We have the same problem too. Even if the argument is long settled in Asia among seasoned aquarists, capapretums nevertheless often remained marketed by irresponsible sellers ambiguously as "piraiba", which will of course stir misconception among the untrained eyes.
The point I'm raising isn't that we're doubting my piraiba is a true fila by taxon, but rather how its still promoted in Japanese/Asian market as distinguished from the other variants. Sellers need to make a distinction when marketing, so they utilise the tern "true" or "authentic" to show their premiumship. I've heard the term said firsthand. They're not actually disregarding the Peruvian Piraiba, which are still sold as filamentosum. Perhaps I was unclear. Its just the mechanics of our language.
While it is true that variation exists in all species, it becomes more significant when there is geographical isolation of such a large extent as in the case of piraiba, which are spread throughout South America. You won't get such observable differences with many endemic species (although I guess these differences in filamentosum are only noticeable in their juvenile stage).
Maybe my comment earlier may be a bit misleading, as what I'm saying is that it's the variation among filamentosum that fascinates me. Whilst calling one filamentosum more "true" than another just doesn't sit right, failing to acknowledge altogether that there is a difference among them is also fatal to the pet trade for many reasons.