Thank you very much everyone...I really hope he gets better and eats...I also have a channa marulioides (18 inch) in the same tank with him...The channa is normally very peaceful...He does not swim near the channa so could that also be a problem?
I dont have first hand experience keeping chana... the little i know is just from reading the occasional thread
If it has been with your other Aro until now, i would think its ok but im not sure...
Why dont you do a quick search on "tankmates and behaviour" on the chana section of the forum? Im sure there will be quite a lot of info there
I still believe ( if you dont see injuries and water is fine) that she needs time to settle and isl probably on a typical hunger strike
That being said, i also believe that you need watch the tank when lights are out at night, that has solved many mysteries for us in the past