There are many betta species, and few are in the constant fight mode, it comes down to how the fish have evolved in nature, Betta splendors live in rice paddies where space and resources are limited, and where water quality cannot support many in a small area. Bettas like the ones below come from totally different type environments, and can be kept together.
Betta albimarginatta
and below Betta edithae
These are mouthbrooders.
There are some cichlids that are shoaling type, but if not kept in that situation, or in small tanks become belligerent and, display aberrant, non-typical behavior.
Bored being an anthropomorphic term, but especially with highly evolved species may not be far from the truth.
Above are Cribroheros rostrum, where if put in too small a tank, as an individual with other single cichlid species, often becomes highly aggressive.
But if kept in a large tank in a shoal of its own kind, can be quite mild mannered, and show natural behavior.