I could, if I can get my pond to stay warm enough in the winter. Otherwise I’d have to bring them in. The pond temp dropped to 32f last year, but I didn’t have it fully covered. This year it will be completely covered, so I’ll see how warm I can keep it.Lots of good info, I see vipers point lots of ponds have goldfish and koi … mine is the same. The fish are breeding so must love their home. My local lfs was telling me when he picks his fish up he sees a guy from London, who puts big prices on the bags the fish are in so his customer think they are special. Koi he sells for $10 this guy sells for $300. The point is they are only worth what you can sell them for. pond looks awsome4 can you keep orfe there?
That stocking would be pretty interesting, but I’d have to be committed to brining all those inside come fall. I don’t have that kinda space unfortunately. I’ll look into the fmap turtle though. And I like the idea of some tropical plants outside. I have a banana tree out there right now has been awesome. And it is easier to bring plants inside over fish. LolNext year for the expansion why not add: lotus and elephant ear for sun.
And some of the following as tankmates:
False map turtle (bring in in winter, maps tend to be less likely to travel away), your green terrors, some small to medium African cichlids,oscars,Showa platies,and a few hogsuckers, and some sort of hardy schooling fish such as Mascara barbs
Thank you. The security will be good. I worry when they get startled now, it only takes one swish of their tail to go across the pond. I don’t want to start having jumping issues. And the extra stability will be good too.Hope the upgrade goes well, don't rush to move the fish like I did. Deep ponds wont stop temps falling (unless you build a large lake) it does help fish feel more secure, larger nolume also makes conditions more stable.
Thank you.when you do upgrade your old pond would make a great plant filter, you could run the old pond into the new. Those fish are beautiful, do you move them in over the winter ?