Amatitlania nanolutea Care

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Did you find that The Yellows were too Aggressive because of breeding or The tankmates bullied them? The reason why I'm asking is that As of this minute I have a pretty laid back tank and I feel like I could temporarily get away with it at least until I'm able to secure a species only aquarium for them. I guess I want someone to Co sign my nonsense so i could make this work lol
My experience with them, has been that they get bullied, more than they are the bullies.
Aren't these convicts tho ?? All my convicts were always savages. These guys are really that peaceful huh

They are not convicts, convicts are a. nigrofasciata (or a. siquia now, I believe), these are a cousin of theirs
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The term "Yellow Convict" is definitely a misnomer, as far as an aggression comparison, and is probably made up by those either too lazy to learn the real names, or as a selling ploy, just because they are in the same genus, and because "convicts" are better known in the trade.
As an example
We do not call a Parachromis dovii is a blue Jag, just because its in the same genus Parachromis, or a managuense a yellow dovii, and expect them to have exactly the same disposition.
They are not listed by the IUNC as threatened as of yet., and come from the Bocas del Toro region of Panama (the country where I live), which is becoming quite the tourist mecca.

To me they are one of the most desirable of all the Central American cichlids to keep, besides their beauty, they will actually thrive and fit in the size tanks most aquarists have the space, or finances to have, if not mixed with other aggressive species.
Thanks Duanes, I think you guys explained this species better than anything I've been able to find on Google so far and after posting here, I feel more comfortable in my ability to keep them. I've setup a new aquarium and started cycling it with previous media I keep for circumstances like this and I'm going to keep this a species only aquarium because nobody here told me it would be ok to do anything less I'll post some pictures when they come I'm sure that I'll have more questions then I believe they will be here on Thursday
I've some friends that just spent some time in Bocas del Toro (the area nanoluteus come from) and they tell me it is becoming the Cancun-ish tourist, mecca, of Panama. It is a group of islands where most of the tourists stay primarily on the ocean for water sports like surfing etc etc, but also includes a mainland rainforest area..
Whether or not this is having a negative effect on the inland fresh water areas wasn't obvious to my friends,