29 gallon tank has ich, how to treat it


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Copper base medication will kill ich. It’s pretty strong and deadly to plants, algae,invertebrates and your biological bacteria.
Some fish are sensitive to copper. Loaches and puffers comes to mind.
You will need to be sure after this has passed to watch your cycle. You may have another ammonia spike the bacteria recover
Sep 24, 2017
Copper base medication will kill ich. It’s pretty strong and deadly to plants, algae,invertebrates and your biological bacteria.
Some fish are sensitive to copper. Loaches and puffers comes to mind.
You will need to be sure after this has passed to watch your cycle. You may have another ammonia spike the bacteria recover
well that may explain my kuhli loach dying, I had no idea of any of this, well I got screwed over :(


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
ah crap, it was some guy at the lfs, he said that ichx has formaldehyde and methanol (antifreeze basically) stuff and that cupramine is way safer. One of my kuhli loaches died this morning, I don't plan to get inverts though. I already started using it so it's too late to return it, I was told ichx is more for large cichlids and stuff.
Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. There is one that is hoat organic acid something or other. But ichx isn't antifreeze. Never trust some random dummy at an lfs. Do your research. Sorry you are having issues man. But you gotta take some of the blame. Qt and read or research your meds or anything thats going in your tank. Good luck.
Sep 24, 2017
Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. There is one that is hoat organic acid something or other. But ichx isn't antifreeze. Never trust some random dummy at an lfs. Do your research. Sorry you are having issues man. But you gotta take some of the blame. Qt and read or research your meds or anything thats going in your tank. Good luck.
yeah I'd quarantine if my mom let me have a smaller tank, note that he isn't a dummy, he really knows his stuff (mainly saltwater, but he knows basic freshwater too). I noticed the ich has spread to the rummynose tetras too, and btw methanol is in some antifreeze (mainly HEET)
Sep 24, 2017
Well, I just noticed some white poop on the bottom of the tank, so not only does my tank have ich, but it always has some sort of parasite :( should I remove the fish that don't have ich (my two plecos, shark, kuhli loaches, and dojo loaches) and put them in another tank?
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Just because you don’t see white spots doesn’t mean the fish are ich free.
You need to understand The ich life cycle.

Trophozoites mature in the skin of the fish. - Trophont (mature trophozoite) leaves the fish. - Trophont produces tomites. - Trophont bursts and tomites are released. - Tomites penetrate the skin of the fish, and the cycle is repeated.
You can only kill the ich once’s the Trophonts burst. The Tomites are able to be killed by the meds.
In the Tomites stage. If all the ich isn’t killed the fish can get reinfected.
This is why you have to keep the treatment going even though you don’t see any spots on the fish
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Sep 24, 2017
Just because you don’t see white spots doesn’t mean the fish are ich free.
You need to understand The ich life cycle.

Trophozoites mature in the skin of the fish. - Trophont (mature trophozoite) leaves the fish. - Trophont produces tomites. - Trophont bursts and tomites are released. - Tomites penetrate the skin of the fish, and the cycle is repeated.
You can only kill the ich once’s the Trophonts burst. The Tomites are able to be killed by the meds.
In the Tomites stage. If all the ich isn’t killed the fish can get reinfected.
This is why you have to keep the treatment going even though you don’t see any spots on the fish
ok, what should I do about the parasites then?


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
If I were in this situation I wouldn’t worry to much about the poo thing.
Just work towards getting the ich cured and your tank back on track and stable.
Then if you are still having issues move forward from there.
The reason I say this is you have already changed your course of treatment a few times I wouldn’t recommend you keep throwing meds and treatment towards something when you’re not even sure what you’re trying to treat.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
yeah I'd quarantine if my mom let me have a smaller tank, note that he isn't a dummy, he really knows his stuff (mainly saltwater, but he knows basic freshwater too). I noticed the ich has spread to the rummynose tetras too, and btw methanol is in some antifreeze (mainly HEET)
Oh see I thought you were talking antifreeze as in engine coolant not as in gas line/ fuel water management my bad. Sorry ive been in the automotive parts and repair field for the last 25 years so I just assumed you were speaking of the other. I guess when you are a tech or deal mostly with techs you get used to people using the correct terminology.

I also reserve the right to call him a dummy. If he is some acclaimed saltwater guru he especially wouldnt have offered you cupramine unless he was only a "fish" tank smart guy. As reefs are full of inverts besides the obvious ones the corals. I guess he could be only a fish guy then it's fine but if he only knows fish and doesnt know fresh fish........dummy. You know how you take care of ich in a reef?......qt Stop it before it happens.

I agree that you need to fix the ich issue before you start worring about anything else.
Sep 24, 2017
ok thanks, so keep dosing the
Oh see I thought you were talking antifreeze as in engine coolant not as in gas line/ fuel water management my bad. Sorry ive been in the automotive parts and repair field for the last 25 years so I just assumed you were speaking of the other. I guess when you are a tech or deal mostly with techs you get used to people using the correct terminology.

I also reserve the right to call him a dummy. If he is some acclaimed saltwater guru he especially wouldnt have offered you cupramine unless he was only a "fish" tank smart guy. As reefs are full of inverts besides the obvious ones the corals. I guess he could be only a fish guy then it's fine but if he only knows fish and doesnt know fresh fish........dummy. You know how you take care of ich in a reef?......qt Stop it before it happens.

I agree that you need to fix the ich issue before you start worring about anything else.
ok thanks, I didn't like him all that much to begin with, but this lfs has a reputation for knowing their stuff so I trusted them, as for ich, keep dosing cupramine, then move to prazipro for the parasites(Which I have)?