Winter sucks. We are currently getting getting pounded. Visibility is so bad today. Earlier I took the truck to get the mail, my driveway is about 1/4mile long so no way was I walking it. I couldn’t see anything, literally nothing. I made it to the mailbox but on the way back I went into the ditch. I was in 4w so I just kept on the gas and made it out. I was worried I was going to bury it. The snow is at last 12”+ likely more from the blowing snow in the ditch.Was hoping to escape this year but nope, expecting 12" plus of snow at the casino starting tomorrow and going through Saturday. and again Monday. so I will be living at work this weekend if not longer. This the only time i do not like being salary. Temps 11 for lows, 22 for high, got 94 tons of salt and 2000g of liquid de-icer, hopefully it lasts.
I’m so over winter. I don’t even care about the low temps anymore. I just want the endless snow to stop!