New fish, new problems?


MFK Member
Nov 11, 2018
I've sadly had to rehome a few of my fish, but I think in the end it made life better for everyone in the tank. I took my Rainbow Shark to a locally operated aquarium/fish store after speaking with them, and they said they could take him. Here's to hoping someone gives him a good home! My angelfish were given a new home with someone, along with the gourami. (I rehomed them because they were being bullied by my Electric blue acara, and i just couldn't give him up).

I made a lot of mistakes when i first started keeping fish, and me and my fish have paid for a few of them, so I'm hoping I can rectify all this. I've completely redone my two biggest tanks. They were both semi-aggressive, but now I only have one semi-aggressive tank after rehoming. One now has 3 Ryukin goldfish in it, and I wouldn't dare get anymore, haha. They're messy things.

Alright that was lots of talking. Now here's the point of all this.

Since I had lots of room now in my semi-aggressive tank, I decided to get one last fish. I ended up falling for an albino Bichir, and he is in the tank now as of today, and I've been trying to monitor it a little bit. My acara is totally interested in what the Bichir is doing. He'll watch it stick it's head into things and when it leaves, he'll try to stick his head into whatever the Bichir was. (He's almost gotten himself stuck a few times, lol)

What I AM concerned about are the tiger barbs. They've killed a fish or two before, and they're REALLY interested in this wiggly thing I put into the tank. They're sticking together and watching him closely. They haven't nipped at the Bichir (yet), but I'm not sure what will happen overnight once the lights are off.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I would rather that my Bichir didn't get injured in the first 24 hours he's in the tank. Maybe I'm just being overly cautious?


MFK Member
Jan 6, 2018
Canada eh
How big is the bichir in relation to the barbs? I assume it is a Senegal bichir.

Polypterus are typically a nocturnal creature so it will most likely be on the prowl at night and as the barbs are sleeping it will most likely eat the barbs. They tend to be a bit sneaky with their attacks so the barbs better watch out.

But during typical daylight hrs polys don’t seem to defend themselves. So if a fish is picking on them or showing them aggression they often don’t fight back, more likely to just flee.

Hendre Hendre or Sarahmander Sarahmander or beau1990 beau1990 may have more insights as they have Senegal bichirs.


MFK Member
Nov 11, 2018
How big is the bichir in relation to the barbs? I assume it is a Senegal bichir.

Polypterus are typically a nocturnal creature so it will most likely be on the prowl at night and as the barbs are sleeping it will most likely eat the barbs. They tend to be a bit sneaky with their attacks so the barbs better watch out.

But during typical daylight hrs polys don’t seem to defend themselves. So if a fish is picking on them or showing them aggression they often don’t fight back, more likely to just flee.

Hendre Hendre or Sarahmander Sarahmander or beau1990 beau1990 may have more insights as they have Senegal bichirs.
Yes, it's a Senegal, sorry for not clarifying!

The barbs are nearly fully grown.. about 2 inches? One of them is a bit smaller.

The bichir itself is very young, and looks to be about 2.5, maybe 3 inches. He isn't hiding away, and is playing in the current at the top of the tank and exploring.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Yes, it's a Senegal, sorry for not clarifying!

The barbs are nearly fully grown.. about 2 inches? One of them is a bit smaller.

The bichir itself is very young, and looks to be about 2.5, maybe 3 inches. He isn't hiding away, and is playing in the current at the top of the tank and exploring.

Tiger Barbs are not sure what the Senegal Bichir is hopefully they will ignore it. I honestly don't see even a full grown captive bred Senegalus Bichir eating a full grown Tiger Barb.


MFK Member
Nov 11, 2018
Tiger Barbs are not sure what the Senegal Bichir is hopefully they will ignore it. I honestly don't see even a full grown captive bred Senegalus Bichir eating a full grown Tiger Barb.
Yeah, I'm not too worried about the bichir eating them when its grown. (even if it does, the tiger barbs had it coming eventually)

And okay, haha. I'll just make sure to check on everyone in the morning and go from there!


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Yeah, I'm not too worried about the bichir eating them when its grown. (even if it does, the tiger barbs had it coming eventually)

And okay, haha. I'll just make sure to check on everyone in the morning and go from there!

Hopefully all goes well but if the Tiger Barbs start nipping remove the little poly or Tiger Barbs.
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Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
If no nipping happens it should be fine, bichirs tend not to attack other non-polys if it can't be eaten. Just make sure the barbs don't steal poly food!

Mitchell The Monster

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 5, 2016
My senegal has eaten atleast 3 adult tiger barbs in my tank. I really dont think you have anything to worry about with the tiger barbs bulling the bichir. Make sure the bichir is getting his fair share of food though cuz they are a little slow to the party sometimes.
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