So I'm going to get to the point as fast as I can. I had a 5inch Oscar, 4inch GT, and 6inch Senegal Bichir in a 75 gallon tank. They were in like this for a few months and only the GT and Oscar fought for the first two days and were completely okay after that. Two days ago I came home to a massive crack in the glass and water all over my floor, with only around 3 inches of water still in the aquarium. I had no choice but to move the three fish into my only open tank which is a 20 gallon long. Money is tight for me right now and I wont be able to buy a new 75 for a few more weeks, but my GT has been tormenting the Oscar. I have tried almost everything to try and get the GT of my Oscar's back but he is being relentless. One idea someone gave me was to add a few small convicts into the aquarium to keep the GT from just tormenting my fish, but to spread out the aggression. Has this worked for any for you? I just need a temporary fix because I'm getting another 75 or possibly a 90 within a few weeks, but I'm not sure if my oscar will make it at this rate. Please let me know any suggestions.