More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
A couple of small updates, one significant.

Patch is finally clear of spots as of Yesterday. No more tatty fins and her sides have healed nicely. She will get treatment until Monday as a safeguard. She's off eating again because she's laying eggs. Yes, laying eggs in blue medicine water.:hypnotize

I removed two of the large plants that were loaded with brown algae and forming black algae. They've been replaced by new plants that won't catch as much debris in the water current. The old plants will be cleaned and stored for now. I've been battling a mild issue with brown algae outbreaks. Have Seachem Phosguard on tap if needed.

In other news...Brick is still greedy, Boss is still a stump, Kong is still a maniac and Patch is still a diva.

Somehow Patch managed to move her canister over weighs nearly 3lbs! She rolled it closer to the far corner.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
After a major power struggle today in the main tank, Boss is now...Boss. Brick has the length and mass but Boss has the strength and bulk. He pushed Brick sideways and backwards all over the tank until Brick was "No Mas" and quit, swimming away. Boss now stays on Brick's side of the tank, something he hasn't done in weeks. Why all this happened I have no idea. More pics...

Boss in his refurbished grove. He likes it.

boss in charge copy.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I've removed a lot of the extra rocks because it created a maintenance issue. Also redirected the powerheads to sweep the prefilters clean. Tank water stays ice clear now.

And the megastar Brick showing why he is spectacular. I said I'd wait until March to measure him. I have. He is now ~8 inches. So since mid december at 2" he's quadrupled in size.

Tale of the tape

Brick ~8" L x 1 1/4" W x 3 1/2" H
Boss 5 1/2" L x 2 1/2" W x 3 3/4" H

brick 1 copy.jpg

brick 2 copy.jpg

brick 3 copy.jpg


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
As always--very superb photos. Beautiful cozy, grotto-- private suite for Boss the King.

Yes, Brick is really, really a spooktacular, mega Brickstar. His coloring just keeps getting more--Wow.

I concur with EntoStentor EntoStentor that Snails would be a remedy for your algae. I had intended to post you about that today, even before I saw NoobAquarist's post. >>>>Nerite Snails to be specific.

They are Major Turbo Working Algae Cleaner Machines. And they won't touch your aquarium plants, except the smaller Snails will clean your plants of algae. They have a variety attractive of color and patterned shells.

>>> Mystery/Apple Snails also clean algae with fervor. That was a nice surprise of my recent acquisition of a Mystery Snail. Mystery Snails will eat your aquarium plants, but primarily if there is nothing else available. Mine eats lettuce, cooked brocolli and plant wafers, shrimp pellets. Seems to prefer cruising the tank walls eating algae. (Even unnoticed, hard to see algae.)
Mystery snails get a little larger, but you can still get close to as large Nerite Snails.

Nerite Snails live about a year or two and can only breed in saltwater. I try to keep a Nerite in every tank and will sometimes move them between my multiple tanks as valuable assistant cleaning teams.

Apple Snails live 2-4 years and can breed in freshwater. It is recommended you keep one per tank to prevent a snail infestation or keep a pair in a specific separate tank if you intend to breed them.

I just acquired an Assassin Snail to eliminate an unwanted Trumpet Snail infestation. They will eat fish food but their dining passion is other Snails. As soon as I finished acclimating the Assassin Snail and put in the tank, it went right to work in attacking another snail.

Assassin Snails definitely deserve the honorary title of Monster Mollusk.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
He might be as thicc as thicc bricc
LOL, Boss is thicker than Brick...its like if you had Playdough Boss is the ball and Brick is what you get when you flatten it out
He might be as thicc as thicc bricc
LOL...Boss is still thicker than Brick. It's like play dough...Boss would be the ball of dough and Brick is what you get when you roll it out into a pancake.
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