Sorry this happened to you. Best of luck frank and hope it recovers.
What sucks is i knew how important veggies where to them and was really on top of it prior to the move. 6 months of only seeing the family on the weekends put this on the back burner then not being vigilant on breaking his will was just laziness. I figured he'd be ok with the mostly algea max diet. He wont touch any of the meaty food the bichirs eat. Thx for the advice btwIts not surprising when vegetarian fish go for high value protein to their own detriment, they seem to be programed to take advantage of it whenever its available, because in nature it just isn't that available, especially because pearsei are inept predators . They are more like the cattle of the cichlid group, eating a lot of seemingly low value foods, and processing them slowly (maybe to take advantage of micronutrients.
Its kind of like feeding cattle corn, so they grow fat quickly, but develop intestinal diseases because the pH in their stomach becomes too acidic, causing infection. Then we have to give them give antibiotics to stop the infections, which in turn produce super bugs like E coli 157, that in the end can kill us.