More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Oho very cool. What fun! He may feeling that you gently pushing him doesn't feel at like when Boss pushes him around. He like. He sounds truly like your water puppy. Are you going to teach him how to fetch? Hmm I wonder if that could be done. It seems like Brick likes new things that stimulate him and pique his curiosity to some degree. Sounds like the progress you have made is fun.
He's spoiled rotten. If we're having a 'session' then he chases a fish away (usually Chip) then comes back to get his sides/fins tickled. It fascinates Chip. He'll come across the tank to hover nearby and observe.

The thing is, I never had to do much as far as 'training'. I think back to when I got Brick back in December. I was going to pick a tiger, but this little red O pushed his way through the crowd to see me, then started dancing along the glass. The rest is history...I think he picked me.

A new thing I do is push him through the water. I shove him by the tail just enough to send him 'sailing away.' He gets a kick out of it and swims right back for more. I can tip him sideways too.

Meanwhile, Boss lets Chip 'rent space' on his turf. Sometimes Chip can go into Boss' original pot. Mostly he hangs out in the grove or behind Boss in the open area. They swim together at times until Boss has had enough then chases Chip away. So one day Chip takes a poke at Boss because of the chasing. Bad move...Boss ran him in circles for a few. Chip goes into Brick's turf but is quick to scoot when he sees Brick coming. He'll circle around and go back. Brick can't maneuver in tighter spaces anymore so its a plus for the severum.

Rex is cool with everyone. Eats till he looks like a stuffed sausage. Man, he can clean up! He's really made my sand maintenance easier.

Boss and Brick are still all over the place, but generally pretty good. Boss avoids a direct confrontation and moves away when Brick approaches. In fact when Brick goes on his side he immediately goes on Brick's side. When eating they bounce off each other. Brick will look for Boss in his original pot (patrol) but Boss stays in the second pot a lot now. Brick can't maneuver in 'the jungle' so he can't take cheap shots like before. So Boss keeps an eye on him right next to his territory.

And despite his new size (more on that later) Brick still can't do anything with Boss in a straight up fight. He's like the big fat kid taking on a pro linebacker. When they lock up its still the same. Brick crashes into the BP , hits a wall and gets knocked back. Fortunately my O seems to be growing out of the 'fighting for giggles' phase. He likes being a bully with the other fish but won't hassle them. In fact he'll let Chip sleep on his side at night. Here and there he takes a bored poke at Rex but doesn't chase. Tries to chase Chip but is too big and slow.

New measurements tomorrow on Brick. Took me 3 days to get them since he wouldn't stop moving and drifted on his tail every time I grabbed the ruler. I might tape a quarter to the glass to show his thick.
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Hahaha love it. At least there is a little of semblance of peace. It was reminding of the days when I was doorman. Note: Guardian. Of establishment and our beloved customers and their relatives and general public. I love my cats. We are just doing our decent business and leave us be. (A little more complicated in my case. Thank you. You are welcome. ). Those used to be --still are? in many any language. Say it with meaning.
I would ask also you look in on my friend, @ j.wtty. As you know I have been . However he has brought to light a point. He was chastitised for calling a certain gent an "A**" considering the surrounding circumstances I would say he was warranted. He said there was x rated material. Well, we all adults here. Does that mean I can't show my Bettas making love? I asked their permission, well sure they nodded. ( I think they were in the heat of moment, I will ask them again. ) (fish--I will get seperate permission from MFK. Perhaps, MFK should have adult chapter, see lounge? Read our Country's Bill of Rights. Not to be abused. Amended with time? I considered, I am honored to be here. I love this site and honor the founding members wishes. Also this as put me in touch with some people that are cool like you and jwitty jwitty . And few others, okay, 2 or 3 , maybe 12? 35? Less, more?I am not a get around. But there are pretty some cool people and fish around here.)
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Don't have to watch the Smithsonian or Animal channel. Just tune into your station. (And mine--always something going on) Multiple tanks.)


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I am not going to mention the "T" word. That is his trademark --love it. (Human and fish).


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Kong and Patch make a simple tank clean all out war. They hate nets and siphon tubes equally. With aggression that would make a red devil proud they wildly attack and bite at anything that moves stuff in their tank. Kong pops the glass lid when he sees the net. Then he bangs into the hose and races the tank like a lunatic. Patch is even worse, she's bitten a hole in one of the nets and grinds her teeth into the siphon tube when she attacks it, pushing it away while I'm trying to clean. Parrots can be some of the craziest fish you could ever have. Now any other time they're okay and friendly. Patch does happy fan dances and Kong will watch you and 'sit' in the corner nearest you. Unfortunately they don't seem to get that apartment cleaning is necessary. I gotta clean sometime! :screwy:


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Hahaha love it. At least there is a little of semblance of peace. It was reminding of the days when I was doorman. Note: Guardian. Of establishment and our beloved customers and their relatives and general public. I love my cats. We are just doing our decent business and leave us be. (A little more complicated in my case. Thank you. You are welcome. ). Those used to be --still are? in many any language. Say it with meaning.
I would ask also you look in on my friend, @ j.wtty. As you know I have been . However he has brought to light a point. He was chastitised for calling a certain gent an "A**" considering the surrounding circumstances I would say he was warranted. He said there was x rated material. Well, we all adults here. Does that mean I can't show my Bettas making love? I asked their permission, well sure they nodded. ( I think they were in the heat of moment, I will ask them again. ) (fish--I will get seperate permission from MFK. Perhaps, MFK should have adult chapter, see lounge? Read our Country's Bill of Rights. Not to be abused. Amended with time? I considered, I am honored to be here. I love this site and honor the founding members wishes. Also this as put me in touch with some people that are cool like you and jwitty jwitty . And few others, okay, 2 or 3 , maybe 12? 35? Less, more?I am not a get around. But there are pretty some cool people and fish around here.)
Fish porn = corruption
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Kong and Patch make a simple tank clean all out war. They hate nets and siphon tubes equally. With aggression that would make a red devil proud they wildly attack and bite at anything that moves stuff in their tank. Kong pops the glass lid when he sees the net. Then he bangs into the hose and races the tank like a lunatic. Patch is even worse, she's bitten a hole in one of the nets and grinds her teeth into the siphon tube when she attacks it, pushing it away while I'm trying to clean. Parrots can be some of the craziest fish you could ever have. Now any other time they're okay and friendly. Patch does happy fan dances and Kong will watch you and 'sit' in the corner nearest you. Unfortunately they don't seem to get that apartment cleaning is necessary. I gotta clean sometime! :screwy:
You are serious. Half serious.? I understand your sentiments we had goats, horses, rabbits, chickens. A horse Other birds. Dogs cats. Fish. They were loved. You can associate human like charactistics with any of those species. With human understanding of house cleaning. But you are definitely getting there. Get a species that can go out of water like Senegals( short periods) Mine never have. And I have open spaces. By the way they are thought perhaps to be the link between fish and amphibians. Triassic and possibly Carboniferous era fossils have been found. I am very fond of them. Just like I am Fonda you and J. Not Peter or Jane Fonda you. So you think we should all post nude? Well my abs are back in shape. And J has been biking. I would suggest we do it in the adult lounge. I have not seen the avatar he his talking about. I think he should let all the ladies and ***guys and bi folks take a look before it is removed. The ladies may be unhappy about it being removed and ask him to do a private show. See the post on j's about the naked biking. I can understand him being unhappy about his being chastised but you can't turn in everyone you disagree with. That is life. Then it is going backwards fast Like the gestapo trying turn everyone against each You did not know who you could trust. Some of my Mom's friends that are still around see certain resembleseces happening between now and then. Now that is scary. I do not see that. But they went through it. I like J's fire and his calm. I would like to see that spirit measured out in many other volunteer efforts. I feel he is a good man. If this is one of guys that did the you know then I can understand additionally the anger. I will tell him all this. Unless he reads this first. Doesn't detract from me liking him. Friendships happen sometimes. Some my modern Euro relatives when they visit have a little trouble understanding our hang up with nudity. I go to an off grid nude beach. All manners of people. Beautiful place. The other Washington. Our Washington here is gorgeous. You can see islands from many of the beaches. Incidently an nude family comes to this Beach to this Beach. At first I felt a little uncomfortable. Mom, Dad todders to adult kids. There are kite sailers, people bring their pets sometimes, there are lizards, otters, eagles. Very peaceful place. So many people are moving here. Traffic is starting to get bad. But we still have country. Room to move. Mountains, islands beaches.
Fish porn = corruption you are kidding right. It is the most beautiful thing to watch the Siamese Fighting Fish approach each other shyly and do their flair fan dance and interwine cararesses. The male hunting every single egg. And this actually helps him. She brings them to the surface for. Which in my considerable experience with them is unusual. She is very sweet.
Oh I think I am going to volunteer for the hatchery. I liberate trout fingerlings from drying up stream puddles into the river.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
But yes I put their needs in front of my cleaning I know where you are coming from. Sometimes I hire some part time. help. You must know someone who needs a few bucks. As far as the net. Mine are afraid of it and that includes my Monster Fish. Bad Boy I would not wish on anyone. So I may put in one of my more. Aggressive yos. yos in with Bad Boy. I don't know. He is brutal to other fish. But I bring him food and fresh water so I am the good guy. My lfs does not carry.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
You are serious. Half serious.? I understand your sentiments we had goats, horses, rabbits, chickens. A horse Other birds. Dogs cats. Fish. They were loved. You can associate human like charactistics with any of those species. With human understanding of house cleaning. But you are definitely getting there. Get a species that can go out of water like Senegals( short periods) Mine never have. And I have open spaces. By the way they are thought perhaps to be the link between fish and amphibians. Triassic and possibly Carboniferous era fossils have been found. I am very fond of them. Just like I am Fonda you and J. Not Peter or Jane Fonda you. So you think we should all post nude? Well my abs are back in shape. And J has been biking. I would suggest we do it in the adult lounge. I have not seen the avatar he his talking about. I think he should let all the ladies and ***guys and bi folks take a look before it is removed. The ladies may be unhappy about it being removed and ask him to do a private show. See the post on j's about the naked biking. I can understand him being unhappy about his being chastised but you can't turn in everyone you disagree with. That is life. Then it is going backwards fast Like the gestapo trying turn everyone against each You did not know who you could trust. Some of my Mom's friends that are still around see certain resembleseces happening between now and then. Now that is scary. I do not see that. But they went through it. I like J's fire and his calm. I would like to see that spirit measured out in many other volunteer efforts. I feel he is a good man. If this is one of guys that did the you know then I can understand additionally the anger. I will tell him all this. Unless he reads this first. Doesn't detract from me liking him. Friendships happen sometimes. Some my modern Euro relatives when they visit have a little trouble understanding our hang up with nudity. I go to an off grid nude beach. All manners of people. Beautiful place. The other Washington. Our Washington here is gorgeous. You can see islands from many of the beaches. Incidently an nude family comes to this Beach to this Beach. At first I felt a little uncomfortable. Mom, Dad todders to adult kids. There are kite sailers, people bring their pets sometimes, there are lizards, otters, eagles. Very peaceful place. So many people are moving here. Traffic is starting to get bad. But we still have country. Room to move. Mountains, islands beaches.
Lol no skin, no win...
I'm not personally that worked up about a sig, but I see where he's coming from. I think sometimes people post sexual images because they aren't creative. Its a way to grab attention (good and bad). Used to go on sites (football NFL) where it was done all the time and escalated into the crazy. So in protest I posted male parts and stuff...the mods were like wtf. I said hey, if they can do it so can I!

I hadn't seen the pic either but looked it up. Basically a standard shot of some woman in a bikini.

Funny you mentioned naked biking...worked with a guy who was a courier and had his cough assets unwound in stretch pants with no support. Management sent him home and told him to 'wrap it up.' :naughty: