More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
But yes I put their needs in front of my cleaning I know where you are coming from. Sometimes I hire some part time. help. You must know someone who needs a few bucks. As far as the net. Mine are afraid of it and that includes my Monster Fish. Bad Boy I would not wish on anyone. So I may put in one of my more. Aggressive yos. yos in with Bad Boy. I don't know. He is brutal to other fish. But I bring him food and fresh water so I am the good guy. My lfs does not carry.
The only fish I have afraid of nets is Chip. He's paralyzed with fright when he sees one and races blindly hitting stuff. I moved him by hand and he was completely calm then. Boss doesn't like nets either and will attack. Patch and Kong are loony tune about it. Brick doesn't care because I haven't netted him since he was a baby. At this point I'd use my fishing net if it came to it.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Lol no skin, no win...
I'm not personally that worked up about a sig, but I see where he's coming from. I think sometimes people post sexual images because they aren't creative. Its a way to grab attention (good and bad). Used to go on sites (football NFL) where it was done all the time and escalated into the crazy. So in protest I posted male parts and stuff...the mods were like wtf. I said hey, if they can do it so can I!

I hadn't seen the pic either but looked it up. Basically a standard shot of some woman in a bikini.
Good for you, I believe in equality. You were kidding about the fish porn. Right? I thought you said it was a nude guy. As a good natured joke can I tell him that we all going to post nude like you said and when was good for him? Then tell kidding.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Brick's new numbers are out!
From pinky sized to palm sized and now pan sized!

Growth timeline

12/15/18 2"
1/4/19 3"
1/18/19 5"
2/11/19 7"
3/1/19 8"
4/1/19 10"

So far Bricks' not a believer in the one inch a month rule...have no idea when this growth slows down with him. Obviously it has to the question is when. I estimate his age 6-7 months total (2 inch purchase size). In 2 weeks I will have had him for 4 months.

Behavior during growth

2-4 inches = digging stage, crazy energy and nosey. followed finger. greedy like a mofo

4-7 inches = screwball stage, fighting constantly 24/7, spazzing at ghosts and running into glass. Tail standing. Leaping out of water. greedy like a mofo

7 inches plus = bully stage, throws weight around. Calmer for longer periods of time. Swims slower and picks fights according to mood. Wiggles and throws water when begging for food. Bites surface bubbles. Bites knuckles. Hits glass top with head. Likes getting petted. Throws tantrums sometimes. greedy like a mofo

Brick is now literally a brick...10" long, 4 1/2" tall. Still same in thickness at 1 3/4", just higher and longer.

The red/orange is really taking over, even in his fins. Originally they were solid black.

Constants in behavior are the curiosity and fearlessness. Almost nothing phases this O. He watches everything outside the tank. If I'm doing maintenance he will watch until I'm done. Always has to investigate whatever I'm doing inside the tank. He's also stubborn beyond belief, especially when picking fights with Boss (BP). Still can't beat the sumo parrot and still keeps looking for the upset. He will dance constantly in one spot waiting while I soak the pellets. I leave the room and come back and he's still dancing 3 minutes later.

Pics soon.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Wow, you feed Bug Bites right? I am going to get some to condition my Bettas for breeding.

With your other fish in there it would be hard to cut back on his portions.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I feed Bug Bites in both large and small. Oddly enough Brick and Boss prefer the tiny ones, so I put in the the 'food pole' and dump a pile in the corner. They eat it like cereal. But with the new additions you're right, portioning out pellets is impossible. Everyone gets fed twice a day. Boss is the only parrot that never seems to get enough food. The others stop once they've had enough. Surprisingly Chip is a hog eater and holds his own despite getting muscled by Boss and Brick. He patiently waits then grabs all he wants. Rex swims around waiting for pellets to drop then goes nuts.

Pictures. Just to prove its not all about Brick, here are the other residents:

Miss fang mouth Patch...

Then Kong. Both have grown since December. They have aggression true to their red devil heritage. Kong is next to a 6 inch boulder.


Kong posing.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Next up, Chip. He's thickening up too. Well, thick for him anyway. In one pic he's next to a quarter for size comparison. Total length is 6". The blue whorls on his face are very striking. He's the bluest "green" severum I ever laid eyes on!






Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Now for the megastar. The pic with the quarter are to show his overall thickness. The white onyx sphere you see below him is 1 7/8" diameter for size reference.









Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Some size comparisons. Boss has also grown, but since no one can keep pace with Brick's growth its hard to tell without measuring! Boss is now nearly 6" and amazingly is still thicker than Brick. Brick still can't beat him in a straight up fight either. But they've become "frenemies." The pics with Chip makes me think of Laurel and Hardy...


