More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
It sounds like kids stealing the best room from each other. Lol. I did not know about Pond Safe for super big jobs. I have the set of micro measuring spoons too. That way I know not only how much Safe to measure out for clorine/cloramine but also how much to measure in case I get an ammonia spike.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
It sounds like kids stealing the best room from each other. Lol. I did not know about Pond Safe for super big jobs. I have the set of micro measuring spoons too. That way I know not only how much Safe to measure out for clorine/cloramine but also how much to measure in case I get an ammonia spike.
Exactly...these cichlids are so changeable in their behavior I never know what to expect. Brick threw a tantrum later that day going 'ugly' and charging the other fish. (This after adding the space for Chip) So I have a telescoping plastic stick that I 'tap' the glass with. It makes a vibration and CLICK that Brick hates...he scampers away or slides backwards on his tail. So he pouted and stuffed himself into the furthest corner of the tank for hours. Refused to respond other than to eat, then he would return to the corner. Since he went into Boss' turf, Boss went into his. I come back and the other three fish are hanging out on Brick's side, and Brick is hanging out on Boss' side. :y220d:

Now Chip is like the little brother following Brick around, mostly when the tank is in evening and night mode. The O will charge if he overstays his welcome (not so much to chase). But the extra 'cozy spots' make Chip more relaxed cruising the tank. Boss still rattles him though. But Boss is okay with Chip being on his side since he also uses Chip's new spot. So Boss has two pots, the jungle and the grove. Chip has his cove and the grove. Brick has the open 'up top' space and his glen. Chip still comes over to watch me pet Brick. Very alert and curious.

Territory is really blurred now. Brick will sleep under the pothos on Boss' side. He loves exploring the whole tank, sliding through and under plants. He'll often hide under his bush along the back wall. Rex is having a blast, disappearing then popping up on the filters, plants, or back wall.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Exactly! Its a round robin with everyone going in everyone's space right now.

Since I put in the cove for Chip, Brick has decided to check it out. Of course he's too big and fat to fit comfortably so he floats above it. Boss will take a snooze in Chips' new spot at times.

Everyone has their 'getaway' areas and lanes now. I've strategically got everything placed so its hard to fight because they'll run into something quick. This really hampers Brick when he gets ugly but its by design. The other day he acted out and charged at the other fish. I have an extension plastic pole for cleaning that I use as a 'training' rod. When Brick gets ugly I tap the stick against the glass near him. He HATES makes a click and vibration sound that sends him running. When he sees it angled at him he will back away from fighting and go back to his area. So he was mad at me for a day and sulked in the farthest corner of the tank (Boss turf). Refused to respond other than to eat then went right back. I go back later and see Boss, Chip and Rex hanging out on Brick's side. This went on for hours.

I rarely do this because I don't want him to be afraid, just see that it will happen when he goes too much 'bully' mode. So only when I see him being really mean (he has his moments) will I do this. Or I will adjust the lighting. Its very effective.

Chip now explores the tank with the new changes. Boss allows him to stay in portions of his area but will still chase if he's there first. Fortunately he's picked the second pot in the "jungle". Its more closed off and Brick can't annoy him because the O can't maneuver in close. Rex is still freestyle, basically claiming any place on the bottom he can sleep or relax. He's the tank hobo.

Chip is starting to follow Brick around like a little brother. It's kinda cute...seems like he's trying to buddy up because Boss still rattles him. Brick doesn't mind until he's tired of it then chases Chip off. But the severum is stubborn and goes right back! I'll often see him sleeping with Brick with the night lights on. He swims with Boss at times too but the BP has a shorter fuse for company.

The Brick/Boss dynamic is the strange one. When the O was small the BP chased him non stop. I fully believe Brick has memory of this and the "payback" meter has been set. Once Brick got around Boss' size the situation started to change. They would spar non stop which caused me to make some changes in the tank. As Brick kept growing, Boss began to retreat from open confrontations but would fight as needed. Now that Brick is frankly getting huge, Boss doesn't engage unless Brick starts it. Boss has also grown but not at the same pace.

Boss was never a true dominant male BP like my other one Kong (more on him in a minute) more a sub dominant type, or what I call a 'tactical' fighter. He'll fight if forced to. Since Brick used to try biting his sides and belly, Boss doesn't like being exposed in the open against Brick. In close its another matter. The O was never successful doing this but the BP is aware of it.

When they're eating everyone is fine, bouncing off each other to grab pellets.

So now the weirdest part...Boss is still stronger than Brick. In a knockdown lip lock head to head the BP owns the O and muscles him back. Not only that but knocks him away! But if he's on Brick's turf he runs like chicken++++. On his own turf he goes like a shark into the O.
IT MAKES NO SENSE. I always thought Boss was a crackpot BP and nothing has changed. He will chase Chip aggressively and keep it up more so than the O will. As he gets older I'll be curious to see if he gets crankier. I believe he's a bit younger than the other two BPs...they're all young adults.

At night the BP and O swim together, or swap turf to sleep. :y220d:

So on the topic of Kong...he is absolutely a dominant male BP. His body language says it all. His fins are always at a 90 degree angle even when sleeping or resting at the bottom. He swims 'hard' and aggressively and actively looks for fights. He is in his own tank permanently, as is the female BP Patch...simply too aggressive and hyper. My failed attempt to put him back in the main tank proved this. Boss was terrified and swam for his life. Brick tried to fight and got spun around and slammed against the glass. In 20 seconds Kong had reclaimed the 225. I should mention Brick was around 6" at the time. Would it be any different now? Doubt it.

Patch is a dominant female BP with the teeth to back it up. She's not as hyper aggressive as Kong but is hyper territorial. She won't look for a fight, she looks to end it by shredding. She's the only fish I have that won't back down or retreat at all. The more you challenge her the more she attacks. Even Kong will take a time out briefly when his attacks don't work. Not her. She's got one mode...BITE THE MOTHER. Is she badass? Yeah. When they were in the main tank she backed Kong into the corner, cut up his face and split his lips. Boss got bruised and banged up. One of Kongs' lips healed slightly crooked.

Both Kong and Patch will jump out of the water at the net. Patch already tore a hole in one.

But Kong still likes her. Their tanks are next to each other and he gets excited watching her. When I stripped her tank down (disinfect from ich) and it was dark he had a fit until he saw the tank up and running again with her in it. Watched me the whole time while I was cleaning. It was the same way when I removed her to clean out the eggs she recently laid.

I'll try to get an updated measurement of the parrots if possible. They don't like the ruler at all.

Patch will also display a 'devils horn' blush on her head that Midas have been known to have. It's faint, but you can see it off and on. I'll try to get a shot of it when possible.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
New pics are up...these are mostly for Chip the Severum.

A couple of shots of the tank leviathan Brick. Does the first one make him look fat? LOL.

Brick 1.jpg

Brick 2.jpg
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Looks like Brick is keeping an eye on him. Lots of areas for them to delineate their own territories. (Even if the borders shift. ) Many sight barriers to dilute aggression. Places to go sightseeing to alleviate boredom. Good things all.