I was just wondering if common mollies (poecilia sphenops, not any of the sailfin species) need salt to thrive and breed if my water is already pretty hard at 7.6-8.1 ph.
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125g -
125g -
Gambusia holbrooki "Potomac river" F0 1:0
Psalidodon anisitsi x 26
Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus x 1
40b -
Megalechis thoracata "Albino" 1:1
Sahyadria denisonii x 2
Trigonostigma espei x 2
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi x 1
"Hyphessobrycon" melanostichos "Rio Tapajos" F1 x 2
Megalamphodus jackrobertsi x 1
Paracheirodon simulans "Rio Negro" x 3
"Synodontis" cf. nigriventris "Lake Mai-Ndombe zebra" x 2
40b -
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" 2:1
Amatitlania nanolutea "Rio robalo" 0:1
40b -
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" 2:0
40b -
Amatitlania septemfasciata "Limon" x Amatitlania cf. siquia "Rio bagaces" 1:0
Amatitlania cf. siquia "Lake Nicaragua(?) blue" 2:1
Amatitlania cf. myrnae 1:0
40B -
"Amphiprion" percula 1:1
Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis 1:0
Pterapogon kauderni x 1
Gramma loreto x 3
Ecsenius bicolor x 1
Scartella cristata x 1
33L -
Rubricatochromis exsul "Lake Turkana" 8:2
30L -
29 -
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" "Platinum" 0:1
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" x 5
29 -
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" 3:2
20L -
Amatitlania cf. nigrofasciata "Leucistic" 3:4
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "Rio Los Almendros" 1:0
20H -
Premnas biaculeatus 1:0
Canthigaster solandri x 1
Serranus baldwini x 1
10 -
Xiphophorus xiphidium "Rio purificacion" x 3
10 -
Rohanella titteya 1:2
Trigonostigma heteromorpha x 4
"Betta" channoides "Mahakam River" 1:2
10 -
Cryptocentrus cinctus 1:1
Amphiprion cf. ocellaris 1:1
Ecsenius stigmatura x 1
7 -
5.5 -
5.5 -