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It is really hard to sex this species so i dont wanna have a go on it. But my guess is a female but dont take me on my words on that as im not 100% sure. If you wanna find a mate to it all i can say is good luck since they are very agressive to other fish of the same species. I you want a pair you should buy a small group of lets say 8 individuals and let them pair up to one pair then sell the rest. Thats your best shot IMO.

But lets see whats @headbanger_jib has to say about it. I think he is more qualified to answer this then me.
thank you for the quick response. so i got her (my gut tells me it’s a she) back in March and now it has grown to about slightly more then a foot long.

would pairing be risky? do i need to get the same species and similar size to try?

worried they get too aggressive when i introduce the new mate into the tank
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Id say it is possible to pull it off but it is risky since they are highly aggressive towards its iwn kind. I used to have a pulchra in one of my tanks. Had 8 to start with ended up with 4 or 5 before i traded them for an comfirmed pair of asiatica instead.

The easiest way to get a pair is like i said to start out with a group and let them pair up the rehome the remaining individuals.
It is really hard to sex this species so i dont wanna have a go on it. But my guess is a female but dont take me on my words on that as im not 100% sure. If you wanna find a mate to it all i can say is good luck since they are very agressive to other fish of the same species. I you want a pair you should buy a small group of lets say 8 individuals and let them pair up to one pair then sell the rest. Thats your best shot IMO.
The above is what most do when you need a pair among channas, when they're not sexually dimorphic.
thank you for the quick response. so i got her (my gut tells me it’s a she) back in March and now it has grown to about slightly more then a foot long.

would pairing be risky? do i need to get the same species and similar size to try?

worried they get too aggressive when i introduce the new mate into the tank
Channa can't be paired like cichlids, that is, keep a divider and then introduce them and hope for the best.

Channa pulchra are not sexually dimorphic, so identifying male or female just by looking is not possible.