What is a Long Nosed Gar MAX Size in Captivity? I've been told 6-7 foot, but I thought they stuck around 30 inch max similar sizes to Floridas/ Spotted gars
I believe 30in to 3ft is most common in home aquariums.What is a Long Nosed Gar MAX Size in Captivity? I've been told 6-7 foot, but I thought they stuck around 30 inch max similar sizes to Floridas/ Spotted gars
Was around 2 years old got it around 8”? Kept in a 6x3I’ve kept 24-28” inch but... I’ve killed one transporting it to a pond. Well i believe it broke its back during transport but never recovered
Spotted gar don't even grow to 4ft in the wild and most gars in captivity grow to nowhere near as big as wild fish.I believe spotted gars actually grow to around 4 to 4.5 ft in captivity, at least Ive seen a lot around 4 ft. I think long nosed gars stay close to that but florida gars stay smaller close to 2.5 or 3 ft
Yep I got spotted gar confused. I was thinking of longnose gars across the board. Nonetheless Longnose gars get 6 ft in the wild and around 4 to 4.5ft in tanks.Spotted gar don't even grow to 4ft in the wild and most gars in captivity grow to nowhere near as big as wild fish.
Have you seen a 6ft LNG gar? I’d say the more common size is 4-4.5’ in the wild. 3’ in captivity, maybe 4’... in a nice decent size pond with age.Yep I got spotted gar confused. I was thinking of longnose gars across the board. Nonetheless Longnose gars get 6 ft in the wild and around 4 to 4.5ft in tanks.