Panther crab compatibility

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Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2018
My neighbourhood LFS has just started selling panther crabs and I feel tempted to get one of those little critters for my semi-aggressive community tank. The tank in question is a fairly large one that measures 5 by two feet. It houses two red jewel cichlids, a striped Raphael catfish and a small school of Buenos Aires tetras. Assuming that I get a floating turte dock for the crab, would he be able to get along with the existing residents of the tank? Thanks in advance.
Jewels are nasty buggers, your panther crab would most likely end up as a expensive snack.
Thanks, you have a valid point there. I'm planning to keep the crab in an isolation tank where the cichlids won't be able to get at him.
My neighbourhood LFS has just started selling panther crabs and I feel tempted to get one of those little critters for my semi-aggressive community tank. The tank in question is a fairly large one that measures 5 by two feet. It houses two red jewel cichlids, a striped Raphael catfish and a small school of Buenos Aires tetras. Assuming that I get a floating turte dock for the crab, would he be able to get along with the existing residents of the tank? Thanks in advance.

Panthers are fully aquatic if it has a safe hiding spot to molt and it's big enough I would think it'd make it with cichlids. I know crayfish do.
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Shrimp, crabs anything like that are opportuistic so the possibility is high they will take what they can when they can.
With this new choice you are much safer. The new shrimp though may not be those jewels may try making a meal of them.
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Shrimp, crabs anything like that are opportuistic so the possibility is high they will take what they can when they can.
With this new choice you are much safer. The new shrimp though may not be those jewels may try making a meal of them.
Would it help increase the shrimp's chances of survival if I were to provide some hiding places for it when it begins to moult? Again, thanks.