Seems like no matter where ya live it's the fish ya can't have that ya want.
100% agree.
I guess not having a species available all the time makes it more interesting for most people.
We've got all those fancy plecos, Corydoras and discus in Germany yet I don't keep any of them and keep focusing on the species popular in Asia.
I would imagine if you could get enough bichir lovers to come together then you could get a vendor to import a big batch from somewhere else? Just a thought.
Would be quite a good idea.
Sadly there are very few serious poly keepers in Germany.
Most people are satisfied with a cb senegalus in a 50gal.
I am trying my best to make people realize how diverse and beautiful Polypterus are.
At this point I've got three fellow fishkeepers interested in delhezi (affordable and not that common).