So I just bought a used fish tank from a friend and the fish tank was completely gross, I’d say hadn’t been cleaned in a year or more, the back wall was solid algae. So anyway the tank came with a 8 inch goldfish in it, and anyway the goldfish has many problems now that it’s a new tank. I have him in a tank that’s just for him. But at first he would swim for a minute then float upside down at the top of the tank. But he has since stop doing that but still doesn’t seem to swim normally. Then he has white all over him. He eyes are very popped out, and then his mouth has lik a shield on it of white, it’s lik his skin or lik slime has make a layer over his mouth and I just don’t see how he can eat. Then he has white spots and even like a white bubble on his fins. I really don’t know what do and would very much appreciate any kind of tips that can help me get him back to full health!