oscars with rainbowfish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2020

i was looking for some shooling fish to keep with my oscar in a 320 gallon tank with a lot of hiding spots, and i saw a video that cory made about dither fish, and in the video he mentions giant danios and large rainbows are great for oscars and other big chiclids, i have had success with giant danios with oscars in the past, but i'm not sure if cory meant large rainbows for more peaceful large fish like bala sharks or can they be kept with oscars.

Rainbow fish aren’t a bad option. It really depends on the oscar’s size. They should be good up until he is about 12-14 inches. Silver dollars would be a better permanent option.
In a 320 gal there should be enough escape room for large rainbow fish.
If it were a small tank in the 100gallon range, there isn't really enough running room, but a 320 offers actual space to move.
I'd agree with that especially since Oscars tend to be very lazy hunters for the most part, when it comes to cichlids. Atleast mine were, mine wouldn't even bother to chase feeder fish and would only got for em if they were only a few inches away from their mouth. If it was something a bit more active like a Jaguar cichlid then I would say no bite sized tank mates just due to jaguars being far more active/aggressive predators then a O is.

Personally if I were to recommend tank mates for an O tank I would probably go with some Mascara Barb's or a striped rapheal catfish or even possibly some pink tailed chalceus if ya got a tight enough fitting lid. Chalceus are very well known for being jumpers.