i was looking for some shooling fish to keep with my oscar in a 320 gallon tank with a lot of hiding spots, and i saw a video that cory made about dither fish, and in the video he mentions giant danios and large rainbows are great for oscars and other big chiclids, i have had success with giant danios with oscars in the past, but i'm not sure if cory meant large rainbows for more peaceful large fish like bala sharks or can they be kept with oscars.
i was looking for some shooling fish to keep with my oscar in a 320 gallon tank with a lot of hiding spots, and i saw a video that cory made about dither fish, and in the video he mentions giant danios and large rainbows are great for oscars and other big chiclids, i have had success with giant danios with oscars in the past, but i'm not sure if cory meant large rainbows for more peaceful large fish like bala sharks or can they be kept with oscars.