Hey there MFK, so I recently posted a thread asking how long it would take my severuk fry to reach 1 inch and got some great feedback. Recently I had a lady respond to a video I posted of them saying, assuming the babies turned out healthy, she's gonna want to buy 10. I'm thinking I want to sell at 2.5-3 inches and since I've updated my care, I wanted to see how long everyone on here thought it'd take the babies to get to that size so I can give her a rough estimate on when they'll be ready. So currently the babies are in a 55 gallon with the parents but within the week they'll be in a 55 or 60 grow out tank by themselves, there is roughly 75-100 left and they are roughly 2-2.5 cm's long right now with some at about 3. I currently am doing 2 45% water changes a week, and feeding them 4 times a day. 2 baby brine shrimp feedings, 2 pulverized high quality flake feedings. Since they've been in with the parents, the babies have also started to eat at the pellets I've got the parents on, which happen to be carnivore pellets meant for large fish like arowana and large cichlids (before I decided to breed the parents they were in a tank with a juvenile silver arowana I'm growing out and got hooked on these pellets, I'll include include picture for reference) as well. So any ideas on how long it'll be with this current care (open to suggestions for changing it up, this is just what has worked for me so far) before they reach 2.5-3 inches? Thanks ahead of time!