Yep,Aqua was one of the few vendors I previously contacted about looking into bringing them in.Nice find. Can't say I've seen many before. If any U.S. members want one they're on Aqua Imports right now if you are interested
No problem, I just thought I should share just in case others encountered the same issue or better yet help them avoid it.Thanks for the information, I’ll have to watch there intake and make sure I don’t over feed.
I’ve been in the same position, a few rarer cats have appeared. So I’ve snatched them up. I’m working on trying to obtain least two more, I’m sure they will appreciate being in larger groups like most doradies.
I shall share what I came across regarding the fruits. Plumbs and grapes are a good food source for them.
I’ll share the information I’ve come across once I get 5 minutes. I’m currently still at work.
Thanks for the info. I personally got mine from Aqua.Nice find. Can't say I've seen many before. If any U.S. members want one they're on Aqua Imports right now if you are interested. Also predatory fins
I think Predatory has the correct ones now. I remember when KRich got his from Predatory and I think it was I who told them they weren't Dorsalis over a PM. If I remember correctly at the time Predatory was selling Platydoras sp. 'Maroni' as Lithodoras dorsalis. Which according to Planetcatfish Maroni is "Possibly P. helicophilus, which is currently considered a synonym of P. costatus, but may be distinct from P. costatus. (Arce et al., 2013) also identified an undescribed Platydoras in the Maroni." ones on the Aqua Imports are the right ones. I wish I had any $$ in the fish buying dept but it's been empty for a year or longer. Oh well, can't have them all.
The ones from Predatory Fish are not Lithodoras, they are the smaller doradids, closer related to raphaels. For one, they have 35+ lateral scutes versus 17 or some such for the Litho. KRich knows from the 1st hand experience.
Predatory Fins still has those mystery catfish mislabeled as Lithodoras on their web page.I suspect that they are Centrodoras.A while back I spoke with someone there over the phone about the fish not being what they claim them to be.I was told that their supplier informed them that's what they were and they are sticking with that.I do not watch too many of their videos,I prefer to look at fish rather than see a bunch of preamble and Rodrigo being a camera hog lol,so I have not seen the other fish that you is not currently listed on their site.I think Predatory has the correct ones now. I remember when KRich got his from Predatory and I think it was I who told them they weren't Dorsalis over a PM. If I remember correctly at the time Predatory was selling Platydoras sp. 'Maroni' as Lithodoras dorsalis. Which according to Planetcatfish Maroni is "Possibly P. helicophilus, which is currently considered a synonym of P. costatus, but may be distinct from P. costatus. (Arce et al., 2013) also identified an undescribed Platydoras in the Maroni."
Maroni are indeed very visually different than Dorsalis the lateral scutes as you pointed out Viktor being one of the more prominent features that differentiate them. Doradidae are known for their bony scutes, each usually bearing a medial thorn directed posteriorly. In Maroni as you pointed out they are more numerous but much more diminutive in comparison to Dorsalis. The head of Maroni is also more wedge shaped as well as much, much wider than dorsalis and Maroni coloration is more akin to brown than the dark gray of Lithos. Both have large eyes but they are larger in Maroni yet despite this Maroni is much more secretive and light sensitive in my experience. As for smaller I was surprised by how big they are as I was thinking more in line with a large Raphael cat/Platydoras armatulus as costatus is reported on Planetcatfish to get around 9 inches. I have one Maroni that is around 8 inches and another that has to be over 12 inches I actually think he's close to 14 but he hides so much I don't get to eyeball him often.
Back to Predatory and his "Lithos". In Predatorys pic on his website the fish shown as Dorsalis are definitely not dorsalis but that is an old photo from the group he brought in when KRich bought his. However in Predatorys recent feeding video from October 4th with his newer stock the catfish seem to be indeed Dorsalis now. The most telling sign being the size of the bony scutes and head shape.
I struggle with their videos and website as well. its rare that they include genus & species or descriptions. When i have watched the videos they dont seem to know much about the fish they sell. its that approach that has prevented me from buying from them.Predatory Fins still has those mystery catfish mislabeled as Lithodoras on their web page.I suspect that they are Centrodoras.A while back I spoke with someone there over the phone about the fish not being what they claim them to be.I was told that their supplier informed them that's what they were and they are sticking with that.I do not watch too many of their videos,I prefer to look at fish rather than see a bunch of preamble and Rodrigo being a camera hog lol,so I have not seen the other fish that you is not currently listed on their site.
I am glad that I finally actually have the real deal now after all these years of searching.I really enjoy the fish as it is active and as previously pointed out, does not behave like other Doradids.
Big thanks to Aqua Imports for bringing them in.
Right,I have gotten that impression and it's caused me to skim through or not watch the rest of the videos.When i have watched the videos they dont seem to know much about the fish they sell. its that approach that has prevented me from buying from them.