Roseline shark and red tail shark together?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2021
It just occured to me that having roseline sharks with a red tail shark like I am planning for could lead to the roselines getting relentlessly bullied. Has anyone had these 2 together successfully?
I feel like the very different colors of roseline sharks compared to red tails might help offset the fact that they have a shark shape but I'm not sure about that at all. So if it will most likely be an issue I'll just have the red tail in my existing roseline-free 473 liter instead of the planned one that will have the roselines.
My rainbow seemed to tolerate the bala it was with, but I wouldn’t count on it working all the time.
125 gallons is enough space for them to get away, not sure how much the shark would claim. Getting it last and small would increase chances of it working.
It would probably be best to go on the safe side and pick one.
my roselines outcompeted my red tail and it ended up dying

Wow! Exact opposite of what I was fearing.
How big was the tank and what else was there? Knowing that could help me deduce how likely this is to happen to me.

Either way, I'll introduce the red tail shark at a small size and only after everything else has been introduced (as per Deadeye's suggestion, and it was something I was already planning) while keeping an eye out to make sure it gets enough to eat. If there are aggression issues, feeding issues, or both with the red tail and roselines, the red tail will be moved to the 1st 473 liter (where the lack of roselines will hopefully solve aggression and feeding issues).
When dominant the sharks tend to be a lot less fearless…that’s what got mine killed.
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Thank you for replying Fishman Dave. Going by what you said, aggression wouldn't be a problem.
Totalling the roseline sharks and the loaches of suitable size to be of any concern to the red tail, there will be a total of 27 potential targets, so aggression likely wouldn't be an issue. 39 if the tiger barbs are counted, which will help even more.
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Wow! Exact opposite of what I was fearing.
How big was the tank and what else was there? Knowing that could help me deduce how likely this is to happen to me.

Either way, I'll introduce the red tail shark at a small size and only after everything else has been introduced (as per Deadeye's suggestion, and it was something I was already planning) while keeping an eye out to make sure it gets enough to eat. If there are aggression issues, feeding issues, or both with the red tail and roselines, the red tail will be moved to the 1st 473 liter (where the lack of roselines will hopefully solve aggression and feeding issues).
450 gallon, 1 red tail and a dozen roselines, they did the same to a pair of flying foxes


Thank you for replying Fishman Dave. Going by what you said, aggression wouldn't be a problem.

Every fish is different in character and whilst I have had a number of these, I have had the odd one that was relentless in his harassment of a few particular fish, until all moved to a larger tank and then he changed. In a large tank with plenty of space and decoration red tailed black sharks should settle well whilst being able to just take part of the tank as territory.
The best way to fix any targeted aggression to other fish, as strange as it may seem, being to add a second red tailed black shark of similar size.
Whilst I say they don’t direct their aggression at just similar shaped fish, when not alone 80% of their aggression is directed towards another rtbs. Providing both have a cave or area of territory then this should work.
Denison Barbs are a pretty big investment. On the other hand, Red Tail Sharks are known to be hyper territorial, very inexpensive & very readily available.
If you just like the look of Red Tail Sharks, maybe a better move to stock a group of Y. Modestas. They have the same look as the Red Tail Shark, but focus their aggression towards each other rather than non conspecifics.
My Modestas completely ignor the Denison Barbs & are unbelievable scavengers.