Clouded archerfish /Toxotes blythi

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How many do you have in there?
Probability wise, you probably already have a male. Its just that they haven't actually mated.
Fairly straightforward to determine males. Just net the fish out, gentle pressure and strokes towards vent, milt will extrude on sexual mature males. Their testes are large and simple (not high up / compressed near air bladder or corkscrew structure like synodontis) so easy to express milt. You don't need to knock the fish out for this but you can if your nervous.

Just having males present doesn't mean they will naturally spawn even when females are dropping eggs. It's easy to dry fertilise eggs & milt in a bowl.
Exciting news .
been studying archers for almost 6 months now and wanted to breed them so badly . Everyone said it’s impossible also cause there were no information on breeding them cause there are very little to no captive breeding records or archers , except for of course the OG “perch man”.
Didn’t even set up the tank properly but gave them all the conditions they needed. And so excited to say last night they started laying eggs. It’s 50-50 chance cause the eggs look a bit unfertilized.If not fertilized this time let’s try next time cause i know now that it’s possible .
anyway that’s it . (Fish are about 5-6inches and more than 1 year old .probably more than two since they are wild caught) attaching images of eggs below.
Did you have any success since? Could you please elaborate on the "conditions" they need? Did you simply simulate a rain season, or is there more to it?
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