I can understand the reasoning, and I am aware that treating a pet fish is low on the totem pole, but I still think it is crass to sentence pets to death for something that is potentially treatable. An aquatic vet is not available to me, at least not that I am aware of. Searching https://www.wavma.org/find-a-fish-vet/ yields me one certified aquatic vet in my province, who is nowhere near me.The govt did the correct thing, if you are looking to lay blame, blame the millions of idjits that treat their animals willy-nilly, without the slightest clue. This should have been done many years ago. See past thread on this discussion for more info.
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There is no industry to support this, and the government has taken what control I did have away from me. Fortunately there are means to still acquire these medications online, and I will stock up. I am not sure what other option I have going forward, other than potentially euthanizing my pet on the off chance that they get sick. Any ideas?