Thank you!!!!!!! She is just about 24 inches. I have 4 red tails but shes my biggest!Great shots!
How big is it?
How do you determine the gender?Thank you!!!!!!! She is just about 24 inches. I have 4 red tails but shes my biggest!
I really love the photography advice because I’ve realized photographing fish is an extreme sport with finding the right settings then once you find a good combo, the fish change and I’m back to adjusting my camera! I will definitely try that and update you!Beautiful. I like the top photo especially.
Do you have other photos of same fish and would you allow- sell private reproduction/printing (non-commercial use)? I've got a home office and I'd like to hang 3 different photos of same fish. Please message me privately if willing. I'd probably touch up background and cropping myself. And I'd like a few photos to choose best three from.
Also for those tricky wide depth of field situations, if you keep the fish eyes in sharp focus, the whole fish is considered in focus.
Determining gender with Red Tails from what i know is damn near impossible. The most obvious feature when sexing is that females usually have more girth and tend to be rounder than males. Females are darker in color with a darker belly. Males are lighter in color on their heads so their spots on their head and body or, “freckles” as I call them and usually have a lighter more grey/splotchy belly and are more slim. If you find any other methods let me know!How do you determine the gender?