I have noticed this one has much bigger scuts then the other two. I’m not sure on the catch location of the other two. I believe they came from AG over in Germany. Where most of the others have come from recentlyOutstanding
I have noticed this one has much bigger scuts then the other two. I’m not sure on the catch location of the other two. I believe they came from AG over in Germany. Where most of the others have come from recentlyOutstanding
What a monster.
I find mine doing this also. I don’t find it odd. Bacu and oxydoras have always done the same in my own tanks. Oddly often found around midwater level. Just relaxing in the current, even the larger oxydoras did this.Our trio must have grown several inches in the 2 months with us. Now look about a foot, maybe a bit over. Feed like maniacs. Their 240 gal is largely bare, so they swim around as they please. Seldom sit in a corner, even then one at a time. Sometimes swim/hang head down mid water in a corner, which I find unusual.