Hi again,
I too wish I was closer to where you are. Alas...different sides of the country.
Thanks for entertaining my questions and I guess it is as I suspected, more or less. It is nice to have large tanks to be able to have groups of large fish such as the Leporinus spp. I have had both fasciatus and brunneus, but as solo specimens. I don't have any now.
Regarding male/female for the dollars. The various genera and species of SD's mostly can all be sexed in the same way, although individual species do have some differences.
However, in general, the outer edge of the anal fin of males is "bilobed" (2 "lobes or tips", the first being about midway on the edge of the anal fin, the second being the actual tip of the fin, or 'hook'). In females, there is an absence of the first "lobe", such that the edge of the fin is almost completely straight. In the clip below (your photo), 2 females (top) and two males can be seen (bottom).
In Emperor Blue Hooks (your SD's) there is not much difference in coloration of the anal fin in the two genders, although in females it is more silver, while in males the silver is more faint. In contrast, in several other species, the anal fin of females is much more colorful. Further, in some dramatic cases such as with true Red Hooks ("Myloplus rubripinnins" - the quotes because it is now being re-interpreted as an unresolved complex of several species), females have a huge red Hook, whereas the anal fin of males is bilobed, much less long, and almost colorless.
Good luck with your cichlid grow-outs, pairings and with the SD sale. I do wish I could.