I'd have expected them to be even bigger at that age considering they don't have a winter cooldown period.The two beluga have been doing well so far. 3.5 feet and 3.5 years old.
I'm not sure which size I'd expect since I've never seen reliable info on their growth in tropical climates (albeit I'm led to believe they're being raised in Malaysia and Singapore now) however they grow at about the same rate around here where albeit they feed year round they do slow down considerably in winter.What size would you expect?
1. Yes, there is for sure a great competition but they have their time to collect herring laying around while most others are busy with the pellets.
2. They could be too warm, which means stress.
3. The donor farmer didn't tell me anything about their prior history. I assume they probably were in a group that was underperforming and subject to culling. We got them in Apr 2020 at a bit under 2 years old at 2 or 2.5 feet. Their pectoral fins were curled up (got better but still are) from swimming circles by a wall in a round above ground pond since birth and they weren't fat.
If you are set up to keep such a large fish then please continue but we both know that the vast majority of hobbyists are not so equipped.At 20-30 yo beluga sturgeon are only about 6ft-8ft in captivity. May I continue keeping it?