Freshwater Fish ID {EASY,MEDIUM,HARD} Game Daily

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
4 is Malapterurus microstoma.
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Reactions: The Masked Shadow
That's M. microstoma. Going by the lateral line anyway.
That's M. microstoma. Going by the lateral line anyway.
My bad, it is. I was looking for pics of Paradoxoglanis, and that thing came up.
New round! Would like to mention that most of the catfish pics i get from planet catfish.
Population crash in Lesotho's endemic Maloti minnow Pseudobarbus  quathlambae following invasion by translocated smallmouth yellowfish  Labeobarbus aeneus - Shelton - 2017 - Aquatic Conservation: Marine and  Freshwater Ecosystems - Wiley Online Library
Nakdong Spined Loach (Cobitis hankugensis) · iNaturalist Luxembourg
Rocio gemmata
Astroblepus mancoi • Astroblepidae • Cat-eLog