You'll be fine. I have 4 pairs of Honduran red points currently spawning in a 3 foot by 1 foot tank, a 4 x 1.5 footprint is more than enough for your 3 pairs of rainbows.
"From his observations, Baylis (1974) derived the following hypothetical life history pattern: Herotilapia multispinosa breeds in the ponds during the dry season, at the end of it, many juveniles and adults are found. When the ponds are flooded by the river, the cichlids spread over the flooded grassland in small schools. When the flood recedes, they remain in depressions or move actively into the draining fields. Some of these areas may dry up, but many ponds persist until the next rainy seasons. These are the centers of reproduction and dispersal, the peripheral river population may serve as a ‘buffer‘, if the pond population should be destroyed in extremely dry years."
"Herotilapia multispinosa is well adopted for living in the ponds by its small size and the ability to cope with hypoxic conditions."
From crc