These acaras will drive me to drink. I logged on to work then decided to check on Rocky. HE JUMPED. Laying next to his bucket in the sink. The cover was knocked off. I saw he was still kind of wet though he didn't move. Did the drill. Air stones over gills, full blast water in bucket. He was slow to come around and I was pretty worried. Two things gave me hope. He never stopped breathing and his body color didn't change. Because of his eye I left his bucket bare.
The one treatment of Lifeguard has had a little affect on his eye. The middle part is a bit less cloudy. It's still puffy but not worse. I might switch to the API or Kanaplex to speed the process. Rocky kept laying on his side which gave me an idea. I put a skim of sand in the bucket and plants up top. A few minutes later he was up and swimming around. Heard a thump when I approached the bucket. Right now there's just epsom salt in fresh water for him . Meds come later today.
I've discovered the hard way acaras are very powerful jumpers that are good at busting out of covered tanks. Once they jump they 'travel' long distances. Every single acara I've had (four) has now flown out. Felix and Nemo were several feet away when I found them. Jazz in the garbage disposal. They're a heavy fish for their size and meaty.
Can someone post a list of gram positive vs gram negative medicines?
The one treatment of Lifeguard has had a little affect on his eye. The middle part is a bit less cloudy. It's still puffy but not worse. I might switch to the API or Kanaplex to speed the process. Rocky kept laying on his side which gave me an idea. I put a skim of sand in the bucket and plants up top. A few minutes later he was up and swimming around. Heard a thump when I approached the bucket. Right now there's just epsom salt in fresh water for him . Meds come later today.
I've discovered the hard way acaras are very powerful jumpers that are good at busting out of covered tanks. Once they jump they 'travel' long distances. Every single acara I've had (four) has now flown out. Felix and Nemo were several feet away when I found them. Jazz in the garbage disposal. They're a heavy fish for their size and meaty.
Can someone post a list of gram positive vs gram negative medicines?