Slade, the other 'bad brother' rules the South side of the tank. Two of his older fry are with him here. The one nearest to him is Harlequin, one of the gorgeous quad color offspring and a real firecracker.
Brutus and Xena defend their fry from siblings. Brutus is the biggest male in the growout and has his grandfather Mongo's temperament. He took over the top spot from brother Blackbeard.
Ace shows off his quad colors in these two shots.Total number of quad color offspring right now is 4 (Harlequin, Neet, Ace and Mica). The quads are all pink with blue/red fins with red/black body markings. The blue finnage takes a while to intensify in the quads.
Lazarus' tank. These are the fry out of Squiggy and Flash. The parents peep and watch from their log on the right. Lazarus stays on the opposte side with Arrow and Matches. there's around 50 or so. 3 or 4 of the fry are huge like the one on the far left.