Does anyone know a tank size for bullhead cats?


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
North Carolina
Yeah, this was back before the shatter resistant glass or the metal ones became super common. I caught him in a creek in KS at about .5" and raised him in a 30 for awhile. From there I moved out and my dad kept him for sentimental reasons and fast forward years later we moved out to NC as well and he's still got him. Fish had been WC, raised, moved a couple times, then moved cross country only to be taken out by a busted heater. 🙁

Edit: On a funny note, I actually bought a little 1" one the other day at the LFS because it pulled on the heart strings lol. He's got a little 5.5 to himself till he is big enough to live with everyone else.


Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Im wondering if a Bullhead catfish and some minnows would work in 90-100 gal tank would work? Can anyone help?
The size of the tank is acceptable. The minnows will be preyed upon by the catfish, if they fit in its large mouth.


Feeder Fish
Sep 26, 2023
Yes, a Bullhead catfish and some minnows would work in a 90-100 gallon tank. However, it is important to consider the compatibility of these species and their specific requirements for water conditions, temperature, and diet. It is recommended to research and ensure that the tank setup and maintenance meet the needs of both species to ensure their well-being.


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
North Carolina
Yeah I'm hoping to put in some areas for the minnows to breed and hide to feed the catfish
I doubt they would be able to keep pace with the catfish, as they have a very large appetite. One thing though you may consider though is silversides, or if you want to keep feeding live I used to go to the bait shop as they are larger than the stuff you find at the LFS. Just be sure to quarantine and treat for a week prior to feeding as sometimes some bait stores have nasty stuff in their tanks. Good thing with those too is they are often shiners which don't require a heater.

Edit: If you do go the bait shop route, be sure to slow acclimate temp wise because they are often equipped with chillers at the bait shop so if you quick acclimate you can run into issues with temperature shock.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Im wondering if a Bullhead catfish and some minnows would work in 90-100 gal tank would work? Can anyone help?
It would work great for the Bullhead! :) For the minnows...not so much...

You're not going to produce an ecosystem in 100-gallons that produces a self-replicating food supply for a foot-long catfish, except possibly as the source of an occasional snack or treat. That's just not enough space to expect a colony of minnows to evade and elude the cat. At night, when the minnows are dormant, the cat likely won't be and will gradually...or quickly!...catch and eat them.

Bullheads aren't picky eaters. You certainly don't need to feed them live food.