FATF Questions


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2022
Hi guys, I’m a big South America guy and recently I’ve started to get more and more into the African fish. I just had some questions that the posted ATF guide didn’t highlight too much. First is growth rate, the size of their final tank is not an issue if I enjoy them I’ll get whatever size they need but the FATF I saw for sale and was interested in were only 2.5 inches. I figured starting them in a 75 gallon was a good idea but If they’re growth rate is decently fast is it even worth it, or should I just go massive off the bat? Another question was about their compatibility, would 3 or 4 work long term or is it only recommended to have one? As well as other tank mates do they practically kill everything or are they decently behaved as long as they have space, solid diet and adequate flow? Any response would be helpful thank you!


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Hi guys, I’m a big South America guy and recently I’ve started to get more and more into the African fish. I just had some questions that the posted ATF guide didn’t highlight too much. First is growth rate, the size of their final tank is not an issue if I enjoy them I’ll get whatever size they need but the FATF I saw for sale and was interested in were only 2.5 inches. I figured starting them in a 75 gallon was a good idea but If they’re growth rate is decently fast is it even worth it, or should I just go massive off the bat? Another question was about their compatibility, would 3 or 4 work long term or is it only recommended to have one? As well as other tank mates do they practically kill everything or are they decently behaved as long as they have space, solid diet and adequate flow? Any response would be helpful thank you!
If you wouldn't mind me asking, but what does FATF mean?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
fishtankphil fishtankphil is definitely the go to for tigerfish imo
I have no experience with them, but I can say that characins grow fast so it wouldn’t be more than a few months before outgrowing a 75.
Still better to keep them in there than losing the 2.5 inch fish in a several hundred gallon tank then.
For tankmates, it seems to be that things near their size typically do well.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Found this:
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MFK Member
May 24, 2014
fishtankphil fishtankphil is definitely the go to for tigerfish imo
I have no experience with them, but I can say that characins grow fast so it wouldn’t be more than a few months before outgrowing a 75.
Still better to keep them in there than losing the 2.5 inch fish in a several hundred gallon tank then.
For tankmates, it seems to be that things near their size typically do well.
Ty for the shout out my brother!


MFK Member
May 24, 2014
Gotcha, hate how all their information is different person to person, it’s gonna be trial by error I guess regarding tank mates lol
All atf grow at different rate. I've seem some fatf grow fast and others take forever to reach dbl digit sizes. Best thing I can tell u is to create the environment mostly conducive to the atf not the tankmates. Basically u want a supporting cast that will add life to the environment but not cause problems with the atf. PB can be a problem so I'd stay away from them. Tarpon, armatus, aros, etc anything silvery and shiny is a no go even at smaller sizes as they grow they will start to get meaner and will land up blinding the fish and therefore ultimately injuring it, causing it to be more reclusive and the tiger will one day finish the job. Best to keep ground living species like rays or catfish but nothing erratic like a lince because it'll ultimately want to kill it eventually let alone they are way too skittish to be housed with another skittish fish like atf. Cover three sides of the tank ans leave the front glass exposed so it lessens the chances of it getting spooked and hurting or killing itself. Water flow is a must but only during the day, give it a rest right before and just after lights are off and on. Don't feed them live if u can help it. If u must to get them settled in that's OK, just don't use goldfish. Try live bearers or danios/cichlids instead..get the best quality dead food u can find absent of added chems like carbon monoxide or marine foods. They are not designed to metabolize excess salt in their foods. Plenty of o2 and excellent water quality. U can get a 2" fish to 12" in a year easily. They usually get to 1.5' in a two year span but slow down after that. For example my gatf went from 14" to 2' in less then 2 yrs. Once I moved him to the 1500 Gal he went to 3' in 4 more years but they get thick and taller as they grow not just length. Obviously the better the conditions the better the life the creatures ultimately has and that's up to u. There's a reason why many atf die prematurely and it's because people have issues with self control and keep dumping and removing fish which is counterintuitive for them as well as many other fish. Self control, consistency and simplicity are best practices for keeping any atf long term. I had my oldest gatf for 7 yrs. Got it at 13" and died at 3' mark and was over 30lbs. Anything else u would like to know, please ask.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2022
Wow thank you so much the flow at night was a great tip. For the forskahlii would you recommend just one or a small school. Other tank mates I was planning were some bichirs, and possibly a larger morymid sp, as well as African tiger scats as dithers, I figure they’re fast enough to keep up. Thank you so much that was very helpful!
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