With enough space, yes, but without adequate space, whoever's more dominant is the one who lives. There is no beating into submission or making one hide, if one can overpower and kill the other, it will as soon as it can. That's been my experience at least
I believe you're thinking of cyanoguttatus, which does in fact overlap with over half of the lepomis genus (macrochirus, megalotis, aquilensis, cyanellus, gulosus, microlophus, miniatus)
allegedly cyanellus and megalotis types go a bit further south into mexico, so there may be even more overlap with even more species.
Wouldn't Carpintis species be found in the wild with some Lepomis?
I believe you're thinking of cyanoguttatus, which does in fact overlap with over half of the lepomis genus (macrochirus, megalotis, aquilensis, cyanellus, gulosus, microlophus, miniatus)
allegedly cyanellus and megalotis types go a bit further south into mexico, so there may be even more overlap with even more species.