Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
Well just last night I found out completely by chance that mystery snails have been banned in Georgia for the past year or so, and to which my response isIMG_4090.png
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MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I don’t know how many tons of toxic gas was released, but it has been 35 days, and the California lithium fire is finally out. Probably 100% out. This time. Yep.

Also, it’s probable national news buried this story 6 feet under before you saw it. We didn’t even see it in Central California.

Firemen could not enter the structure. but fortunately for firefighters, the lithium burned a hole in the steel roof, allowing (toxic) fumes to escape into La Mesa, without everything actually exploding first.

California has planned more of these potential toxic gas emitters. Stache does mention that they will be located in residential neighborhoods.

Stache doesn’t mention the locally obvious. They will be all built in poor minority towns like La Mesa, up on Otay Mesa, above wealthy San Diego.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
I don’t know how many tons of toxic gas was released, but it has been 35 days, and the California lithium fire is finally out. Probably 100% out. This time. Yep.

Also, it’s probable national news buried this story 6 feet under before you saw it. We didn’t even see it in Central California.

Firemen could not enter the structure. but fortunately for firefighters, the lithium burned a hole in the steel roof, allowing (toxic) fumes to escape into La Mesa, without everything actually exploding first.

California has planned more of these potential toxic gas emitters. Stache does mention that they will be located in residential neighborhoods.

Stache doesn’t mention the locally obvious. They will be all built in poor minority towns like La Mesa, up on Otay Mesa, above wealthy San Diego.
That’s wild, never heard anything about it here and we do get a lot of American news down here (more than I would feel necessary to be honest)
This is a pretty big story, surprised it has t been more widely reported, we get lots of news about batteries in bikes and computers urning down houses or if a Tesla goes up in smoke but nothing on this scale.
I don’t think batteries are bad but it’s new technology and needs to be treated with respect, I imagine most fires are caused by the cheapest possible Chinese import batteries installed in the bikes etc.
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Chet E.

MFK Member
Nov 12, 2021
Fascinating video. I'm not surprised when actual news goes unreported in America.
But I'm continuously humbled by details of life overlooked. No excuse of course. My father-in-law lives off grid. He often comments on the practical side of green technology. For him it's problems, problems... He recently installed a solar array to heat water to heat his home in winter. The extra power needs to be bled off and he added a thermal sink under a greenhouse. I had the pleasure of seeing first hand when the system for the greenhouse was tested. He needed to make a few adjustments as the heating cables were getting too much power.
It's amazing the power contained in an energy storage system.
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MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I have posted this on a few other forums, and people across the US and Europe say they never saw this news. I don’t think I need to explain why.

Eventually, I think this business will result in more pollution we don’t want. Shocking amounts of it.

We have these places, scattered across the nation, called superfund sites. These are places that had lots of local pollution and the government is spending tons of our money cleaning them up. I think in some cases they have actually been reasonably successful.

When I worked at Vendo back in the 1990s, they spent over five years cleaning up ground pollution that dated back to well before World War II. It took them a long time to clean up that property so that they were able to sell it.

It was right on the edge of the most ritzy new local business development, but nobody could buy or sell it because the ground was poisoned with things like hexavalent chromium and polychlorinated butyl-phenols.

Mostly this was left over from plating military weapons and doing military spec paint and coatings.

What I see here is that we are cleaning up old sites and at the same time creating a bunch of (soon to be) new ones.

These systems are already cursed by inattention, as no one is taking into account the cost of the pollution they’ve created already. And there’s no record of it really, except that you can often see it from outer space. Google is recording 24/7.

But after they have polluted the ghetto neighborhoods around places like San Diego, and condemned them because of pollution, they can clean up the property (maybe at government expense) and then sell it at a profit to the expanding residents of wealthy cities.

It’s what happened here in Fresno county.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
esoxlucius esoxlucius great win for England watched the end of game.
A good win Tom, it gets us to the next round, but the style of the victory leaves a somewhat bitter taste in the mouth.

We had a measly 2 shots on target in the whole game, and the first one came right at the end of the 90 mins!!

This is against a team rated at number 45 in the world. It should be plain sailing against these teams, and we just make it look like hard work.

We were favourites going into the tournament but if we're going to beat the likes of Germany and Spain, which we're due to meet if we keep progressing, we need to drastically improve.

Switzerland next in the QF's, and they're a good side.
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MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I wish my brain had space for interests like football of any flavor***. All sports on TV here are time wasting commercial affairs.
Motorsports are rare, because you can't have a time-out in a long race, where they can sell a million dollar TV spot to a captured audience.
Even drag racing, which goes in 6 second bursts, doesn't work on the MSM.

***Of course I have lots of time to sand rust out of the world's silliest antique car.


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
The honor is almost unbearable!

The American motorcycle association has been trying to get me to join since the 1970s and I’ll bet that over the years they have sent me at least 100 different membership packages.

Well now they have sent me their 100th anniversary package, including this terribly valuable and collectible 100th anniversary temporary ID card.
They also sent an envelope containing an envelope and a letter and a flyer and a folder and an ID card glued to another card and these silver stickers. At today’s prices it must cost them about four dollars apiece to mail these out.

I figure they’ve spent about $200 to recruit me over the years, and I will never join, because I am not a 99%er. But none of that is very interesting. Here is the part that interested me the most. Look at the logo on that ID card. Notice anything strange?

OK, here I’ve made it easy. This is one of the silver stickers that they send you. What the devil is that thing?

That’s the emblem of the least successful motorcycle engine of all time. The Wankel rotary!

Then inside they put this swirly thing that reminds me of the three running legs at the Isle of Mann motorcycle races.

But if you read it in the direction of the swirl it says MAA. You have to read it backwards (Counter clockwise) from the top in order for it to say AMA.

So maybe they just did all that to give people something to talk about? Well it worked. But I’m still not signing up or sending them a single sheckel.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
The honor is almost unbearable!

The American motorcycle association has been trying to get me to join since the 1970s and I’ll bet that over the years they have sent me at least 100 different membership packages.

Well now they have sent me their 100th anniversary package, including this terribly valuable and collectible 100th anniversary temporary ID card.
View attachment 1544971
They also sent an envelope containing an envelope and a letter and a flyer and a folder and an ID card glued to another card and these silver stickers. At today’s prices it must cost them about four dollars apiece to mail these out.

I figure they’ve spent about $200 to recruit me over the years, and I will never join, because I am not a 99%er. But none of that is very interesting. Here is the part that interested me the most. Look at the logo on that ID card. Notice anything strange?

OK, here I’ve made it easy. This is one of the silver stickers that they send you. What the devil is that thing?

View attachment 1544972
That’s the emblem of the least successful motorcycle engine of all time. The Wankel rotary!

Then inside they put this swirly thing that reminds me of the three running legs at the Isle of Mann motorcycle races.

But if you read it in the direction of the swirl it says MAA. You have to read it backwards (Counter clockwise) from the top in order for it to say AMA.

So maybe they just did all that to give people something to talk about? Well it worked. But I’m still not signing up or sending them a single sheckel.
I can respect the stubbornness on both ends lol.
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