Got My New Tank!


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MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I once had a raphael cat who lived in a piece of decor, I'd go weeks without seeing him, but if I really wanted to know, put in something like frozen brine shrimp or bloodworm, something meaty and more smelly than dry food, unless you have some massivore. He'd be out within a minute or 2, and usually based on his belly bump I knew he was doing just fine coming out after dark.
I got a new raph recently and haven’t seen it in months, then it popped out a few nights ago 2-3 times as big and as round as a puffer…he must have found something to eat.


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Alright, I got him out. I don't think he could have found his way out....

I took it out and drilled some large holes in it with a step bit and shook him out. I did break one little piece but you can't really see it. He flopped around on the ground a bit so I hose him off and back in the tank. He's good to go lol!

As for the décor, I had to really flush it out with a garden hose to make sure I got all of the plastic shavings out of it. I hope that didn't kill too much BB and throw my tank out of whack being it's such a large piece. Hopefully not. At least now I know he's alive and can hopefully find his way out if he gets in there again.

I did like the extra room in the tank seeing this out for the first time in a while.....I wonder if just a few more natural rocks in its place would look better.....?

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MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
1.jpgHow much do ya'll feed? I "know" how much to feed and have obviously read about the 30 seconds, 2 minutes, think of the size of their stomach, blah blah etc. I'm sure I overfeed some because it's fun to watch them go nuts lol!

Here's what I am currently feeding, they all seem to love it! I can feed them the "correct" amount and by this I mean watching and making sure they each get a few 1.5mm pellets, helping the larger fish get a couple more via placement. But I have experimented by after this, dumping a nice little pinch in there so it hits the bottom of the tank and then they still dive down and devour it lol! Pellets have to hit the Bichir in the face for him to find it, he's not too bright.

How many 1.5mm pellets should a 3" Green Terror get? How about a 4" Oscar, 4" Firemouth, Etc. Example, the Oscar and Firemouth are probably about the same length, but the Oscar is probably twice his size with a much larger mouth and eats the food probably 10x as easily/fast.

Would it be beneficial to feed every other day??

Just curious for some feedback based on what you do, the food I am using, and the size of my fish.

Nitrates currently get up to around 5 ppm after 1 week with before a water change. But if I clean my canister sponges after 1 week, I can get a pretty nasty bucket of water! Sponges don't look dirty, but obviously holding some stuff!


POTM Curator
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MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I feed every other day. I don’t have an exact rule, it’s just what feels right. I have to feed a lot to distract the tetras enough to let others eat.
If they are growing well and you don’t have a lot leftover, then keep doing what you’re doing.
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MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
I feed every other day. I don’t have an exact rule, it’s just what feels right. I have to feed a lot to distract the tetras enough to let others eat.
If they are growing well and you don’t have a lot leftover, then keep doing what you’re doing.
Good to know, I may try every other as I know I'm feeding too much lol!

Oh they're growing lol! On that note, I've always heard Oscars grow fast, tank size due to their bio-load/overall mass, etc. etc. Well I'd never experienced it until having one now for a little bit now. WOW! He's already tripled in size and would almost consider him a "larger" fish already. It's absolutely insane! I can see how a 75 is not large enough for an Oscar, which means especially with my other fish I'll HAVE to get a 125 sometime beginning of next year :).
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Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
I probably feed 5 days a week or so, i don't have a schedule but i randomly skip a day every 2 or 3.

If you have the space to add the 125 you might need that for just the Oscar, and keep the 75 running for everyone else...


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
I probably feed 5 days a week or so, i don't have a schedule but i randomly skip a day every 2 or 3.

If you have the space to add the 125 you might need that for just the Oscar, and keep the 75 running for everyone else...
I can only do 1 tank, it's all I have time for. I could rehome the Bichir if I had to choose one to go I guess. So a 125 would have the Danios, Featherfin, Oscar, Green Terror, and the Firemouth.

I just hope the Oscar doesn't grow fast enough to eventually eat the GT! Pic of the GT is zoomed way in, he's the smallest by a good margin.

Tried to get some good pics today, the Firemouth and the GT are both going to be really pretty I believe! The Oscar too for sure! All seem to have good coloring already! Eventually want to mix in some more black sand to hopefully darken it up and bring out their colors more.

They were eating during the pics, thus all the crud floating around.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg
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Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
I've never kept an Oscar myself so I can't really say but from what I read from others he probably won't eat them, just bash and smash them until they're dead. I think it won't be a matter of rehoming the bichir, I think it will be choosing to keep the oscar, or everyone else. Again, haven't kept 1 myself, and maybe he can coexist with a catfish or bichir, but I'd be surprised to see any other cichlids in a 4 foot tank with him in another year or 2.


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
I've never kept an Oscar myself so I can't really say but from what I read from others he probably won't eat them, just bash and smash them until they're dead. I think it won't be a matter of rehoming the bichir, I think it will be choosing to keep the oscar, or everyone else. Again, haven't kept 1 myself, and maybe he can coexist with a catfish or bichir, but I'd be surprised to see any other cichlids in a 4 foot tank with him in another year or 2.
Oh for sure, the 4 foot will be long gone by then!