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Parachromis friedrichsthalii with cloudy eye


MFK Member
Jul 29, 2016
Have you tested your water?
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
My Freddie's have some kind of cloud on there eyes all 7 of the fish in a 125 gallon tank I been treating for 4 days with Melafix has anyone seen this before & will the fish ever be able to see again I think it has blinded them my water check out fine PH was alittle low but it is at about 6.5 now after water change any info . is mush appreciated.

cloudy eye fish 2.jpg

cloudy eye fish 1.jpg
My Freddie's have some kind of cloud on there eyes all 7 of the fish in a 125 gallon tank I been treating for 4 days with Melafix has anyone seen this before & will the fish ever be able to see again I think it has blinded them my water check out fine PH was alittle low but it is at about 6.5 now after water change any info . is mush appreciated.

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I believe Parachromis friedrichsthalii come from higher ph environment. Your ph is acidic not sure if that's causing the cloudy eye. Hopefully someone will chime in with their analysis.
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What are all the params?
If it were one fish, injury is the most likely cause, but you said it’s all of them. That means something is very wrong environmentally.
The pH is definitely low for the fish, but that wouldn’t outright cause cloudy eyes to my knowledge. I’d be more curious to know ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, as well as your water change rate. Parachromis are large, messy fish. 7 in a 125 is a lot of fish.
Also, do yourself a favor and throw out the melafix. It is virtually useless and won’t do anything.
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All the params where fine except the PH and that is back up to 6.7 today I used some stuff to treat algee I think that is what hurt the Freddies there is a brisstle nose pleco in the tank that is totally not affected by any of this. Also if Melafix is not any good what do you suggest?
Fine doesn’t tell us anything. What some people consider fine are actually toxic. It’s impossible to help without real numbers.

What kind of algicide did you use?

The med to use really depends on what the issue is. In the case of bacterial issues, neomycin, kanamycin, nitrofurazone, and erythromycin are all common and useful, but only for specific infections.
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Could be injury or infection. Or injury leading to infection. I’d try some maracyn2 or triple sulfa. Keep tank cycled and nitrates below 20ppm during treatment. Whether it’ll recover is hard to say. It looks a bit rough I’d guess it won’t recover. Hope for the best. Update the thread as it goes.