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Help! Oscar not moving or eating


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 22, 2024
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
If yes, what is your nitrite?
If yes, what is your nitrate?
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every two weeks
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
So about 4 days ago my Oscar seemed to be getting spooked and darting across the tank randomly, which turned into hiding the next two days. (He’s the only one in there) I thought it was the shadows on the wall scaring him but he was fine with them for the past two months he’s been in there. (He used to have a smaller tank recently upgraded) I plan on putting something on the back of it soon.
Other than that the nitrate levels were a bit high so I did some water changes and put API nitrazorb in the filter. Now all the levels have been normal for about 24 hours. However today I saw him on the other side of the tank not hiding, but just laying on the bottom in the corner. He hasn’t eaten these last 4 days either.
I can’t really tell if he’s bloated or anything, there doesn’t appear to be any white spots. Possible start of hole in head below his mouth. And a small bump on his bottom lip but I’m assuming that’s from running into things but could be wrong. Not sure what to think or where to go from here.

It’s a 75 gallon

He has an air disk. And unfortunately a hang-on-back filter until I get my other tank in the same room to set up the canister one

Any suggestions?

Does he have any hiding spots? Bright light/surroundings and nowhere to hide will always make cichlid uncomfortable.
I’d also recommend increasing your water change rate. High nitrates (and all of the other nasty chemicals in the water) will harm fish over time.
Lastly, it’s an Oscar. They are known for being pouty with any change.
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Does he have any hiding spots? Bright light/surroundings and nowhere to hide will always make cichlid uncomfortable.
I’d also recommend increasing your water change rate. High nitrates (and all of the other nasty chemicals in the water) will harm fish over time.
Lastly, it’s an Oscar. They are known for being pouty with any change.

He has two fake plants right now I’ll attach a photo. The lights are always off I turned them on for the pic. I added the black paper 3 days ago to give him some more privacy in case that was the issue until I get something else. Definitely will change water more often. I was misinformed that it would be harmful to do it often. But with the lack of live plants (since they love to destroy them) I didn’t think about the nitrates. Other than that he only started laying today. He was previously just swimming around behind the black paper and plant, peeking at me occasionally. So now that he is on the bare side of the tank not moving at all I am just more confused. I hope he’s just pouting. Main concern was him not eating, though it’s only been a few days.

View attachment IMG_8250.jpeg
Large water changes are only harmful if enough time is given for the chemistry to change drastically from the source water. If you are frequent with it, there will be no problems.
The fish could definitely use more hiding spots (and frankly, a larger tank), but really I think the biggest issue at the moment is it just being pouty. A fish that size can go a lot longer without food.

Also, Welcome to the forum!
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He has two fake plants right now I’ll attach a photo. The lights are always off I turned them on for the pic. I added the black paper 3 days ago to give him some more privacy in case that was the issue until I get something else. Definitely will change water more often. I was misinformed that it would be harmful to do it often. But with the lack of live plants (since they love to destroy them) I didn’t think about the nitrates. Other than that he only started laying today. He was previously just swimming around behind the black paper and plant, peeking at me occasionally. So now that he is on the bare side of the tank not moving at all I am just more confused. I hope he’s just pouting. Main concern was him not eating, though it’s only been a few days.

View attachment 1545880

Got spooked out of no where again and wedged himself here.

View attachment IMG_8251.jpeg
So about 4 days ago my Oscar seemed to be getting spooked and darting across the tank randomly, which turned into hiding the next two days. (He’s the only one in there) I thought it was the shadows on the wall scaring him but he was fine with them for the past two months he’s been in there. (He used to have a smaller tank recently upgraded) I plan on putting something on the back of it soon.
Other than that the nitrate levels were a bit high so I did some water changes and put API nitrazorb in the filter. Now all the levels have been normal for about 24 hours. However today I saw him on the other side of the tank not hiding, but just laying on the bottom in the corner. He hasn’t eaten these last 4 days either.
I can’t really tell if he’s bloated or anything, there doesn’t appear to be any white spots. Possible start of hole in head below his mouth. And a small bump on his bottom lip but I’m assuming that’s from running into things but could be wrong. Not sure what to think or where to go from here.

It’s a 75 gallon

He has an air disk. And unfortunately a hang-on-back filter until I get my other tank in the same room to set up the canister one

Any suggestions?

View attachment 1545878
Welcome aboard
Large water changes are only harmful if enough time is given for the chemistry to change drastically from the source water. If you are frequent with it, there will be no problems.
The fish could definitely use more hiding spots (and frankly, a larger tank), but really I think the biggest issue at the moment is it just being pouty. A fish that size can go a lot longer without food.

Also, Welcome to the forum!
Didn’t know that so thank you! I’ll keep on it more often then. And yeah he’s gone a month before without eating when he was sick once so I’m not super worried. Just concerned about his happiness lol. I’ll see if adding a backing helps any
In the waters where oscars come from in nature, nitrate rarely exceeds 5 ppm,.
Nitrate test right tube, and this is a a river in Colombia where oscars are found

To me, the the tanks nitrates are way too high.
To counteract this, your water changes will need to be minimally to be least doubled per week.