Don't quote me on this yet but to my knowledge all the Rio mag types are just from tributaries of the Rio magdelana itself. Rio yanacue, Rio orteguaza, Rio claro, etc, to my knowledge all drain into the Rio mag. All the same fish. Given I can verify that the connection is true I'd just call them Rio mags. Rio magdelana is in Colombia, and Colombia is the only place where the mag type umbees are found, so if it's long, blue, and labelled as "wild from Colombia", then it's probably a mag type.
Also to my knowledge, there are now 4(?) umbee variants, and a paper is currently in the works splitting them into their own species. The green variety from the isthmus will keep the name umbriferum. The Rio mag type is getting its own species. There is also Kronoheros sp. choco, which looks like a more streamlined version of the green umbee, and is from the area around the border of Venezuela. I don't recall what the consensus on the black Rio atrato type is... Pretty sure I heard those are keeping the name umbriferum as well.
Umbees need high oxygen and a lot of swimming room. I personally will be refraining from getting more umbees until I have what I consider adequate space. They need open, moving, clean water. I would compare their needs to the likes of larger micropterus sp., and will also be using the space recommendations for acre pond bass when setting up umbee tanks in the future.