Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
An australian hero died yesterday.

I dont have a youtube account so cant post the video but google "democracy manifest" and watch it, dont watch the news stories about his death just watch the original video.
If you are going to resist arrest it shows how to do it in style, if anyone with a you tube account finds it amusing enough please post it here.
Its been an australian cultural moment for over 30 years now.
The original video was posted on YouTube on 12 Jan 2009
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
My boss told me I was to pessimistic and needed to start being positive at work lol.
In days gone by, the correct response to that would have been to objectively examine his statement and decide if it has merit. If it does, then you would try to modify your behaviour; if it doesn't, you would discuss it further with him.

But...that was then, and this is now. We're in 2024; you don't need to take that kind of crap from him! First thing, start crying; I'm not using that term metaphorically, either. Wail, blubber, sob, the more tears the better. Make sure he knows he has offended you and that you are suffering untold stress as a result of this unwelcome verbal assault on his part. If you think you can sell it, put a hand on your chest, or perhaps even feel your pulse while looking around wildly for a place to sit down. Fix your eyes on some far-off point that is invisible to everyone else. Can you blanche at will? Can you break into a sweat when required? All these are useful tactics for dealing with insane individuals that demand you to do anything you don't want to do...nowadays, that apparently includes work.

It goes without saying that this accusation must be reported to the HR department, your union shop steward, the local news media, your minister, your mother, and anybody in the lunchroom who is willing to listen.

Your boss really needs to get with the times. You'll be doing him a favour! :)
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
My boss told me I was to pessimistic and needed to start being positive at work lol.
You can turn this one right round and he'll probably not talk to you again!

Tell him you are extremely pessimistic about meeting this months mortgage/rent payments. Then continue to explain that a large pay rise would make you feel more positive about the whole situation, lol.
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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Regarding the Algerian female boxer, I have seen no evidence or proof of high testosterone levels. The IBA, whose president is Russian, seem to be the only folks stating this. The following explains why, or at least enough of a reason to question their commentary.

In Algeria, it is illegal to be trans. Just more sad commentary on this story.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
What's he like,the Australian counterpart of George Floyd?
He came out of his arrest in better shape than george floyd, thats for sure, this was from the early 90s.
He was a petty criminal and a conman, supposedly escaped from jail a few times and once impersonated a detective during his trial and walked out of court and escaped. Its also possible he was just a liar, no one really knows, in fact no one really knows what is truthful or false about anything he has said but there have been a few books and documentaries about him.
This arrest was a case of the cops getting the wrong guy, they were after someone more high profile and tipped off the media but arrested this dude instead. Once he saw the cameras he went inot this crazy rant and when he was finally in the car the police said he was laughing and saying what fun he was having.
Either way this was a very amusing thing in its time, when we first saw it at age 13 me and my friend referred to every meal as succulent for a good few months.

For some reason we like to make celebrities out of eccentric criminal here in australia.