That stinks , very pretty fish. Sorry for your loss.
Yeah, he was very nice, rescued him from a store that was going under financially. He took a while to warm up to me, and was very picky with food. The predatory nature of this guy seemed to be less instinct like most freshwater fish I’ve had and just pure intelligence. Would put him on par with most small dogs in terms of cognitive ability. Wish there were brackish groupers that didn’t get ginormous because I would love to keep one without panicking about Salinity all the time. Probably my second worst fish death.
my worst by far was my scromb payara though.
Didn’t take any pics of his body because it hurt so much. I knew it would probably happen when I got him, but I had him eating frozen foods, so I felt like I was in the clear. Want a group of armatus or tats in the future, as I have never loved a fish more. Guess I’m gonna have to set up multiple 1000+ gallon tanks for all the monsters I want again in the future