Monster Kok Flowerhorn Sexing


Feeder Fish
Aug 24, 2024
Marion, Ohio
Down the road there was somebody getting rid of fish. Set up a new tank, put some peacock cichlids and a plecostomus (my gf likes the way they look) inside it. I went back to go get a new filter and ended up leaving with this Flowerhorn. Everybody seems to be getting along in the tank just fine, it's 30 gal and they are all about 2 1/2"- 3" long. My only thing now is I'm trying to sex my Flowerhorn so I know if I can feed it stuff to make it's head grow. It is a bit stressed right now from the moving and not having power to the tank he was in originally for a while, so they do look a bit dull in colour. Never kept a flowerhorn before (I've kept cichlids before though) so I just want to know what I can do the best for them. I'd prefer keeping everyone in the 30 gal for now.

And yes I know the water looks a bit murky in the photo, been doing small water changes and such as this used to be an old bio tank, I can't keep plants for **** though 👍




Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Jun 25, 2016
For now the 30 might work even though small for all those fish but either way he or she will outgrow it within the next 3-4 months I’d say, along with attacking everything else in the tank. I’d say concentrate on upgrading the tank to at least a 75 or an 90 even better. As for what you can do best for him , just lots of water changes( especially in a small tank with other tank mates) and make sure the water is above 80


Feeder Fish
Aug 24, 2024
Marion, Ohio
For now the 30 might work even though small for all those fish but either way he or she will outgrow it within the next 3-4 months I’d say, along with attacking everything else in the tank. I’d say concentrate on upgrading the tank to at least a 75 or an 90 even better. As for what you can do best for him , just lots of water changes( especially in a small tank with other tank mates) and make sure the water is above 80
Sadly I live in an apartment so a 75-90 gal isn't do able until we find a house to move into. Considering it's just the 6 fish and they are all about 2 1/2 to 3" in length I'm not worried too much about them outgrowing it that soon. If anything I'll put the Flowerhorn in a 20 gal if they start having issues and get a few more cichlids for the 30. Thank you though!! I do appreciate the info!!


MFK Member
Jul 12, 2018
Sadly I live in an apartment so a 75-90 gal isn't do able until we find a house to move into. Considering it's just the 6 fish and they are all about 2 1/2 to 3" in length I'm not worried too much about them outgrowing it that soon. If anything I'll put the Flowerhorn in a 20 gal if they start having issues and get a few more cichlids for the 30. Thank you though!! I do appreciate the info!!
If you can’t keep the fish properly, you should probably return or rehome them until you can get tanks that are big enough for the fish you want and have. Fishkeeping is not an easy hobby until you learn to do proper research on a animals needs and be willing to address them.

see you in the disease section of the forum in a few weeks.


Feeder Fish
Aug 24, 2024
Marion, Ohio
If you can’t keep the fish properly, you should probably return or rehome them until you can get tanks that are big enough for the fish you want and have. Fishkeeping is not an easy hobby until you learn to do proper research on a animals needs and be willing to address them.

see you in the disease section of the forum in a few weeks.
That's a little hurtful. I've been keeping fish since I was young, just moved into an apartment last year. The only new fish to me is the Flowerhorn, hence why I was asking about it. There is plenty of room in the tank currently and I had been told they should all be fine togeather. I'm not completely dismissing what you are telling me, but 75 gallons for 6 fish isn't something I can do currently. Are you going to tell me that 30 gallons for 4 cichlids isn't enough as well? I'm not dismissing what people tell me, but I'm also not new to fish keeping in general. I apologize if anything I say seems harsh, your comment seems a bit harsh too though.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Jun 25, 2016
A Flowerhorn that’s 2-3 inches can easily reach 6 inches within 4 months just a heads up, and depending on what kind of pleco you have they can reach up to 18 inches


Feeder Fish
Aug 24, 2024
Marion, Ohio
A Flowerhorn that’s 2-3 inches can easily reach 6 inches within 4 months just a heads up, and depending on what kind of pleco you have they can reach up to 18 inches
The pleco will definitely have to be rehomed for a smaller one in about maybe 4-6 months? But the Flowerhorn (my first one) I wasn't sure how fast thew grow. I know where I got them from, the lady said he's been in the tank alone for at least a few months since her son had moved out. I appreciate that info though!! Looks like a bit later I'll look into a new tank though for them though! Thanks!