Video of corydoras laying eggs.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Although very common for corys to breed this is pretty new for me. At first I saw three tiny snails on the front glass panel, but they weren't moving! When I went back later there were eight snails, and I thought how strange.

So I started watching. My three corys were dancing about and the eight "snails" then became twelve, right in front of my eyes, and then I realised they were eggs, not snails!!

The footage below starts off with twelve and around the 40 seconds mark the twelve become eighteen!! This is quite exciting for me. I don't go out of my way to breed any fish really and these eggs will probably get eaten anyway, but it was really interesting watching.

By the way, I've just gone back into the kitchen after editing the video and there are lots, lots more eggs, around 40 or so, see pic below video.

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Although very common for corys to breed this is pretty new for me. At first I saw three tiny snails on the front glass panel, but they weren't moving! When I went back later there were eight snails, and I thought how strange.

So I started watching. My three corys were dancing about and the eight "snails" then became twelve, right in front of my eyes, and then I realised they were eggs, not snails!!

The footage below starts off with twelve and around the 40 seconds mark the twelve become eighteen!! This is quite exciting for me. I don't go out of my way to breed any fish really and these eggs will probably get eaten anyway, but it was really interesting watching.

By the way, I've just gone back into the kitchen after editing the video and there are lots, lots more eggs, around 40 or so, see pic below video.

View attachment 1548015
I would get excited about corydora laying eggs. That's awesome.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I would get excited about corydora laying eggs. That's awesome.
I've been researching how to hatch these guys, it doesn't sound that difficult really. I'll probably let nature takes its course with this first batch but now I know my three corys consist of two males and one female, and they know what they're doing, lol, I might hatch some future batches.

But then again do I really want dozens and dozens of corys. I'm not sure if my LFS would take them and I sure as hell don't want to be overrun with the things, lol.
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MFK Member
Aug 8, 2017
Very nice, cold water changes help to trigger them. If you are looking to breed and sell grab hold of something a little less common Aeneus are very inexpensive from most suppliers. You don't have to pick "difficult" or very rare species. Sterbai or Schultzei can be easily moved on frequently. Avoid Barbatus they require different care which most don't research killing them.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
I've been researching how to hatch these guys, it doesn't sound that difficult really. I'll probably let nature takes its course with this first batch but now I know my three corys consist of two males and one female, and they know what they're doing, lol, I might hatch some future batches.

But then again do I really want dozens and dozens of corys. I'm not sure if my LFS would take them and I sure as hell don't want to be overrun with the things, lol.
This will be a great project for you.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
A little update.

I was planning on leaving these eggs in the tank and just let nature take its course. But my inquisitive nature got the better of me.

I moved some eggs to a makeshift hatching tub within the tank, and today some hatched. We have wrigglers!!

Not sure of the way forward now. If I can raise them successfully I may have a chat with my LFS to see if I can get a bit of store credit.
