Uh oh…


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Is this what one of your future hunts will look like jjohnwm jjohnwm . Lol.

View attachment 1548124
Nope! I would only consider using a Zucchini Pointer or Squash Retriever or other similar breed of vegetable hunting dog. No stinkin' cats for me! :)

Not only that, but the guy in the pic is using a shotgun! Seems rather unsporting for use on vegetables. :)


MFK Member
Dec 25, 2022
Cayman Islands
Ive always wanted to be a prison warden! Guilty as charged, whiners.

View attachment 1548118
Lol, but my vegan daughter wouldn't approve. She has a fit whenever she sees anyone in the house eating chicken. She made our whole family watch the movie Earthlings (2005) a few months ago. What a truly touching movie, some parts were honestly very hard to watch. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you see it. I've always been a meat eater but I couldn't watch the whole movie in one sitting.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
I always feel bad when I'm cooking meat thinking this is a chunk taken out of something that was alive, that it's a little scary how easily the knife goes through it, and if it was still living tissue me putting salt and frying it would probably hurt like hell... but at the same time I crave beef jerky at 3 in the morning because meat is the only thing that fits the "chewy and savory" craving.

With regard to vegans in general, first of all, if they didn't push it on people no one would have a problem. But it has to be a sociopolitical thing to them. Second of all, my go to question for them is "why do you think we as a species learned how to cook?" I want to ask the same thing about why we started making fires but that's a tiny bit debatable-- too debatable for me to want to give to people who like to argue.

And then vegans who try to push it on their animals. I get not wanting to support industries that are killing animals, but at the same time your pets don't, so if your best interest is the animal's best interest then you should either give them what they need or not have the animal at all, if you don't want to be the middleman.


MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
Free the fish!

And let us give them the vote too.
Considering 81 million people elected a brain dead pile of skin President last time around, giving fish the ability to vote isn’t unreasonable since the people clearly aren’t able to make a rational decision.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
We...Americans, Canadians, whoever...get the government we deserve.

But I'd beware the political comments; I bet the mods are already swamped with crap until this place gets sorted out.

I think 50% of the population going vegan would be amazing. I imagine that the price of tasty meat would take a nose dive and I could afford steak with a side of wings for dinner every day.
I think it would horrible. When the zombie apocalypse hits, do you really think those zombies will want to eat vegans? They probably taste like cardboard!

Vegans...the other tofu...

We normal omnivorous humans will be the filet mignon for the munching undead! :WHOA:
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